To smile you need to activate 20 muscles of the face, while to frown it requires double. Which means that smiling is easier, it is beneficial for ourselves and also for the people around us.
In the social sphere, when you smile, you send a signal of courage to those who receive it, especially if you do it frankly and sincerely, because it is a sign of openness and friendship, which will provoke in other positive attitudes. If you smile at someone, they will most likely return the gesture – that is, “the mirror effect” -.
Aesthetik is one of the most suitable options in terms of quality service, cost efficiency and professionalism.
By smiling, the person is projected more accessible and therefore, others want to approach and be with her. The sincere smile opens many doors, which does not open money or power. It has a contagious effect on others and is the most positive of all emotional expressions.
Smiling is healthy, laughter and health are closely linked, it is an infallible method to lift your spirits and avoid stress. Smiling increases creativity and productivity. In doing so, the body produces serotonin and endorphins, the hormones responsible for making us feel happy, and therefore decrease tension.
It has been scientifically confirmed that laughing out loud five minutes a day greatly improves the physical condition of the human body (laughter therapy). Studies reveal that laughter calms tense muscles, minimises the production of stress-causing hormones, lowers blood pressure and increases oxygen uptake in cells.
Smiling is a spontaneous act that can be a powerful weapon in nonverbal language, when it is intended to conquer others, but it could also become your worst enemy, if your smile is not authentic and not connected with your gaze.
Another situation that could also negatively influence and prevent the magical effect of a smile is having a careless denture or bad breath, because when a person wishes to project an impeccable image it is essential that he has a radiant smile. For this, first of all, the care of the dentures is required.
Oral problems affect interpersonal communication and self-esteem, because someone who does not feel comfortable with their teeth will find it more difficult to establish relationships, but above all, smile.
Remember to take care of your teeth, following these simple oral hygiene tips:
- It is important to brush your teeth after each meal.
- Brush thoroughly, floss and rinse your mouth at least twice a day.
- Don’t forget to clean your tongue.
- Replace your brush when required and visit the dentist twice a year.
It was found that people with well-groomed teeth and an attractive smile are more likely to get a job than those who have lost teeth, have yellow teeth or halitosis. That is why the governments of these countries have invested in the preventive and curative oral health of their citizens.
If we talk about image and beauty, most people light up their faces when they smile, that is, they look more beautiful. Do not forget that “the smile is the key that opens all doors”, it is also an indispensable tool in human relationships, especially if it is spontaneous and sincere. Don’t forget to smile, it’s free. By doing so you lose nothing and you can earn a lot.
Body beauty and smile in your personal image
The beauty of the body and the smile in a personal image are very important in today’s society where one needs to feel good about oneself and like others.
In the personal image one of the first impressions of a person comes from his teeth and his smile. The smile means confidence and security. In today’s society, the perfect, attractive and radiant smile is the beauty of your personal image.
Body aesthetics is booming more than ever, from gyms to get fit, to aesthetic clinics to file those small non-aesthetic defects in the beauty of your personal image.
Today’s society is increasingly demanding with its beauty and personal image. For this, it is necessary to devote a few hours to the gym, clinics specialising in personal image such as dental aesthetics, beauty treatments, nutrition and personal advice.
Cavitation is a method that reshapes the body effectively and with
visible results almost from the first session, reduces the accumulated fats which cannot be achieved with diets, physical exercise or other aesthetic treatments.
It is a non-invasive technique that offers almost immediate results and that requires several sessions to obtain the desired objectives is a good treatment for those who want to lose volume in the most effective and less aggressive way.
This technique consists in the application of ultrasound waves of a certain frequency that produce microbubbles.
These microbubbles accumulate energy until they cause selective destruction of fat cells.
The fat released is eliminated by our body by metabolic processes such as urine and sweat.
The results are seen from the first session since it allows us to act in those areas where normally with a diet and exercise, we fail to arrive.
Facial Lifting
The facelift consists in raising and tightening the skin, correcting the sagging, acting on the skin of the neck, chin, cheeks, eye contour and on the muscle tissue, to obtain a more lasting result with this it is achieved that the patient shows an appearance much younger and a smooth and wrinkle-free face.
Fine wrinkles, mostly produced by exposure to the sun, do not disappear with lifting and should be treated by other methods (laser, peeling, etc.)
Normally this operation usually lasts several hours, is performed under general anaesthesia and requires a stay in the clinic between 24-48 hours, approximately.
The incisions necessary to carry out this intervention are made inside the hairline, surround the earlobe and ascend behind it towards the scalp.
In this way, the possible scars will be imperceptible as they will be “hidden” in the hair and in the folds of the ears.
Personal Image Accessory
All this implies that in the field of beauty and personal image consultancy it has a lot to do with cosmetic surgery, since in many cases, this path is chosen; Everything will depend on whether the client is willing to go through the operating room or does not consider it necessary.
Aesthetik is one of the most suitable options in terms of quality service, cost efficiency and professionalism. Contact us today for more information.