Many of the fires produced in industries could have been avoided by applying a series of preventive measures when carrying out the workplace. Remember that here at FireCrunch we focus on providing high quality and sustainable fire-resistant building boards for interior and exterior settings in both residential and commercial properties.
These are some useful recommendations to keep your business save:
– Whenever possible, maintain a safety zone (without fuel) around any electrical device.
– Do not overload the outlets. If you use power strips or extension cords to connect several electrical devices, always consult qualified personnel or experts in electricity.
– If any defect in the electrical installation or fire protection is detected, notify the Chief or Area Manager.
– Do not approach any heat source to fuel.
– In the case of performing hot electrical work (mechanical maintenance operations, electric arc welding, …), consult the person in charge first. It can be an area of high risk of fire and explosion.
– Fire equipment (fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, emergency exits, electrical panels, fire alarm buttons, …) must always be accessible for quick use in case of emergency or evacuation.
– Do not obstruct the routes and emergency exits.
– Pay attention to signs, exits, evacuation routes, location of alarm buttons and nearest fire extinguisher. In case of observing a bad maintenance of these equipment (alarms, extinguishers, …), communicate it to those responsible.
– Maintain order and cleanliness in the workplace. Avoid dirt, accumulation of paper and cardboard, spillage of liquids, or other material likely to cause flames.
– In case of gas smell or flammable product, notify maintenance personnel or follow the instructions of the emergency plan.
– If you are a smoker, do not leave lighted cigarette butts in the ashtrays, nor throw them in the wastebaskets.
– Respect the NO SMOKING signal in the areas where it is signalled. Deposit well-extinguished butts in ashtrays.
– Do not leave any material next to the fire detectors. These should be placed at a minimum distance of 1 m.
– Prevent the simultaneous presence of combustible material and sources susceptible to fire.
– In case of handling flammable products, always read the product’s label and safety sheet, and apply its instructions.
– These materials will remain in areas authorised for this purpose. In case of handling these products, notify the area manager.
– Keep the containers closed.
– The rooms where these products are stored must have good ventilation or specific ventilation systems.
– In case of transfer of products, ensure to maintain the labelling, and use appropriate containers. Consult the prevention measures to be applied in transfer operations of flammable liquids.
– Empty containers are also dangerous. They will be deposited in controlled and marked places, and it will be verified that they keep the product labelling.
– In areas where flammable products are handled, it is mandatory to have a special electrical installation. Before introducing equipment, check that they are suitable for this type of installation.
Prevent fires at home
Put these fire prevention tips into practice at home to avoid unwanted accidents. We also inform you of what to do in case of fire and special precautionary measures for children and the elderly.
The most basic tips to prevent home fires. Keep in mind the following measures in your daily life to prevent and prevent fires in your home:
- Never leave a lit candle in an empty room and less at night or when there is no one at home.
- Disconnect clothes irons after use. And when you’re using them, place them on non-flammable surfaces and isolated from other elements.
- Before going to bed, close the gas and check that the stove, oven, toaster, etc. are conveniently turned off.
- If you smell gas, open the windows to ventilate and call quickly a qualified official technician.
- Check the electrical and gas installation with a certain regularity.
- Never place lighters or matches within the reach of children or leave children without supervision.
- Install fire and gas detectors to notify you in case of problems.
How to avoid fires due to gas leaks?
The majority of domestic accidents due to gas explosion are the result of an oversight of the owners. Remember to close the gas stopcock if you are going to be absent for days from your home and write down in your calendar when it is your official company review. Some of the tips to avoid home fires due to gas leaks are:
- Never have a gas stove or boiler in a closed room.
- Check that the kitchen flame is blue. If you detect reddish tones, the system is not clean. Notify your operator immediately and he will tell you how to proceed.
- Regularly clean the ventilation slits to avoid clogging.
- Report any anomaly as soon as possible.
- It is important that you always verify that gas checks are carried out only by accredited technicians.
What do you do if you smell gas?
- Close all the stopcocks.
- Open doors and windows to create air flow.
- Do not turn on or turn off any electronic device connected to the power.
- Get out of the house with the keys in your hand and call the emergency number.
- In case of incident call us so we can help you.
- Fire prevention tricks for the elderly
To prevent fires in homes in which older people live, the most basic objective is to avoid forgetting or neglecting the routine of daily tasks. For this purpose, it is advisable to write the following list in a visible place to remember at all times what you have and do not have to do.
Electrical installation
- Check the electrical installation of the houe, especially if it is of old construction and no renovations have been made in years.
- Do not overload the switches or use appliances in poor condition.
- Do not leave the clothes iron under any circumstances. If they call the phone, turn it off first, place it carefully so that the hot part is not in contact with anything and answer only later.
Gas in the kitchen
- Do not move from the kitchen while the fire is running. For more security you can place a poster whenever you light the fire.
- As a precautionary measure, get used to closing the gas every night.
- The non-electric braziers are the cause of a large percentage of the fires declared in homes: change them for the safety of central heating.