Although we do not want and adopt good maintenance practices, the passing of the years affects the different aspects of the construction, and the elements that give to the exterior such as the facades and roofs that are the most punished. In the long run, we will have to practice rehabilitation on a roof or deck, even if it is a specific point and minimal action, but we will have to get down to work.
The problems that can appear on the roofs and roofs of residential buildings require a quick solution, because by staying in bad conditions for a long time, the only thing that is achieved is to accelerate the speed with which it deteriorates, being increasingly expensive the repair necessary to return it to conditions.
Here at Gold Coast Edge we make sure your house is safe for you and your family by hiring experts in the area such as Gold Coast Edge Protection.
Types of roofs and how they are built
Determining the type of roof on which we are going to work in the rehabilitation and how it is built is an essential point to treat the pathologies in the construction. In this sense we will rely on legal documentation.
What defects usually appear on the roofs of the house?
The general causes of the pathologies in roofs is actually an extensive topic but in the following scheme we can check the generic origins of the pathologies in%:
As can be seen in the previous scheme (The%), the main causes do not always respond precisely to a certain old age on the roof, for the most part they are previous causes derived from the project and its construction. If we go a little deeper into the information, we have a diagnosis of pathologies on roofs as a scheme:
The main problem that affects the roofs is the presence of moisture. Water is the enemy of construction, since it can lead to spoiling everything in a very short time.
The appearance of moisture inside the housing cover can come from different anomalies that it is convenient to identify correctly in order to effectively attack the root of the disease, being able to completely remove the fault.
But apart from the humidity, the simple passing of the years can also be a reason for the housing cover to require a restoration. Structural wooden elements may lose resistance over the years due to lack of maintenance, presence of insects that reduce their section, are some of the disadvantages that may arise in buildings that already have years of existence.
Roof Moisture
First to be clear about what we are talking about schematically and to see how they are and where they appear, possible causes, considerations and how to prevent them.
At this point, we have to remember that we must act quickly on the types of dampness in the roofs and flat roofs for their negative consequences, and that they must be treated consistently. In summary before the problems of hygrometry, humidification or steam are:
Moisture by condensation: If we speak from the perspective of attics or under roof that will affect the interior finishes. The main problem is the absence of an insulation or improper installation of the same playing a fundamental role the ventilation. It is necessary to increase the interior temperature of the room so that the dew point temperature is not reached (With the placement of thermal insulation on the roof) or by lowering the pressure of the water vapor, which is simply ventilating the room.
Capillary humidity in the encounter between open terrace and wall housing or structure: In principle due to a failure in the installation of waterproofing, caused the water to seep through capillarity of the walls (Ascent moisture) appearing leaks.
Moisture due to accident or filtration: These are injuries that are normally caused accidentally or due to their age, tends to be broken tiles.
When injuries are detected, they should never be repaired by bending the pavement. The existing pavement should be lifted and repair of problems due to problems. Next, we add we will see the procedures and videos explaining processes and technical solutions.
Leaky roof tile problems: In roofs of tiles can appear moisture in the interior, and in a more extreme case directly find leaks.
If it is a punctual problem, it is most likely that a piece of tile has been broken, so the solution is easy: replacement of broken piece and finished matter. It must be taken into account that the problem does not necessarily have to be in the place where the drop falls, because it is likely that it will slip through some element of the cover until it comes off at that site.
How to change a broken tile?
If it is a piece of slate nailed, you need a nail remover to remove the tile. The nail remover is slid under the piece and hit to remove the fixing nails. Then, all the broken fragments are removed and a new slate is placed by sliding it under the top row. The board is nailed with exposed galvanised nails. It is important to protect the heads with putty to avoid leaks.
When the presence of leaks and dampness is widespread throughout the deck then you have to think about something more serious and therefore more expensive rehabilitation.
Appearance of leaks throughout the deck
In an old roof, it is very likely that the appearance of leaks and dampness throughout the surface is due to the absence of waterproofing. In this case, the solution is to lift the entire roof, place a waterproofing membrane and re-tile.
It is important to define what are the most suitable materials to rehabilitate the roof and in these cases the evidence of a professional is, in our opinion, essential.
If the cover is not so many years old, and it is known for sure that it has a correct waterproofing, and still leaks appear, it is very likely that the slope of the cover is insufficient. This is a serious problem, since the only possible solution is to make the roof of the house again. The entire roof, including its structure, must be disassembled and re-done with greater slope.
Gold Coast Edge Protection have developed diverse types of security systems looking for the perfect way to provide workers with the safety they need.