After the important task of choosing hosting provider and acquiring a server, be it Virtual, Dedicated or Cloud, we install our computer system, we invest intense hours of configuration of our application, website or project and finally it is working, but we cannot forget about something else. This entails maintenance, a periodical adjustment, and revisions no less important than the initial start-up.
Therefore, we will give some basic and elementary tips on keeping your servers working at full potential. Keep in mind that if you want to ensure your cooling system is working properly then an excellent option is to ensure proper maintenance here at Blue Innovations.
- You should install your antivirus and keep it updated.
This task is the first one that we are going to carry out, because if any malicious file is hidden in our system, any change that we are making in installation or maintenance can be seriously affected by this intruder, causing us annoying, sometimes fatal errors that can affect us seriously to our system. Our hosting and server provider can advise us or propose the option of advanced security monitored, so it is advisable to ask for advice to the technical service.
- Make a backup. Or several.
The multiple backup options available are not endless but they are very varied. From the option offered by the Control Panel, to the option of hiring backup services on external servers, through a backup server mounted via LAN with direct cable in the same rack as a very interesting option for dedicated servers, or media physical devices such as external hard drives or USB keys for smaller copies. Any of these possibilities are valid but mandatory to keep our data safeguarded in cases of loss, theft or accidental elimination.
- Maintenance activities program.
We will check the system in periods of time according to our activity, daily, weekly, monthly, and with more or less intrusion in the system in order to perform more or less exhaustive to interfere as little as possible in the performance of the software, but without leaving behind the control and maintenance of the equipment.
- Keep all installed versions of our applications updated.
This will help you avoid gaps in the system where we attack our server in order to maintain the security and stability of the service.
- Periodically renew your passwords.
Safety is always first, it is the most important aspect and there are systems that allow hackers to know your identity and your keys. Keeping them safe is paramount.
- Keep your email in order.
Avoid spam, both sending and receiving. Archive documents and important emails correctly, with data compression tools, you will have all the available information occupying the smallest disk space, which will benefit in parallel with the speed of access and security.
We understand that sometimes we do not have the necessary time or the capacity and management knowledge of our server, but we recommend hiring a specialised person or having directly the services of our provider who will have advanced management services at various levels of action on our machine.
The 10 Commandments to have a secure local network
One issue that we have very neglected in local networks, are those related to security copies and information security. Many times, we think that with the simple fact of having an antivirus installed on the server we are free of any problem, that all the problems that can occur are related to viruses, and this is a very common error, there are problems related to these, but many others that are not.
Have we thought about the possibility that some problems may come from within, that is, having the enemy at home. Documents stored on the server that are accessible from any position in the network and that contain very important information for the company. Protecting this information is as important as having a local network or computer protected from viruses. Imagine for a moment (hopefully it never happens), the company’s installations catch fire, the server stops working and it is impossible to recover your information, that is, we have a disaster that we had not counted, because if we do not have an externalized copy of this data, we have a huge problem.
Security audits
These are some of the most important points that we should review in our networks to know if we comply with the security minimums that a network should have:
- Have a data server, in which we keep all the relevant data of the installation and with its consequent well defined copy process.
- Have a domain installed on this server, for the correct administration of user permissions and ease of administration of the local network.
- Have firewalls (physical or software) to separate local network from the internet network and have control over access to relevant data and internet by users of the local network.
- Have your antivirus always updated in all positions in the local network, including on the server, to be almost 100% protected against viruses.
- All positions in the network must have a professional operating system (xp, vista or win7), for the correct validation of users in the “Active Directory” (domain).
- Have an adequate password policy, each user of the local network with his personal password and also that this expires every so often (can be defined).
- Have a defined backup policy and externalized for possible “extreme disasters” (theft, fires, and some others.)
- Keep a program for correct maintenance of the PCs, software updates and hotfixes that arise (Windows servipacks).
- Have someone from the company or outsourced to control the copy processes to detect possible problems, update antivirus, centralise incidents in the local network and thus be able to notify technical service and have control over the resolution of them.
- Have located all the licenses of programs installed in the network for possible inspections by the competent authority.
If you want to ensure your cooling system is working properly for your servers, which is essential for servers not to get to hot. Blue Innovations can offer you top assistance.