Prevent humidity from affecting your wooden floors

The humidity of the floor is one of the many issues you will have to deal with if you’re a house owner or architect. In the ranking of discomfort levels many issues may be overshadowed by the humidity of ceilings or walls. If ending with the humidity in flats is a problem you must deal […]

The humidity of the floor is one of the many issues you will have to deal with if you’re a house owner or architect.

In the ranking of discomfort levels many issues may be overshadowed by the humidity of ceilings or walls. If ending with the humidity in flats is a problem you must deal with, that of a relative, a friend or anyone that generates a little compassion will help you with, it will be worth it if you stay to see if we can rescue any idea that alleviates your ills or those of others.

Here at ASC Building Supplies you will find an unmatched option for deluxe luxury vinyl flooring that will be an excellent choice for any type of flat floor or stair case.

Four household solutions

If you came to this article, we suppose that you will already be suffering from the problem of floors that sprout from moisture and that do not finish drying. That’s why, to kill your anxiety, we’re going to start with the most urgent thing by giving you four household solutions.

  1. First, do not open the windows. If the floors are wet, it is likely to be a day of high humidity, so try to dry the soil by ventilating the rooms is a way to get more humid air to an environment that is already saturated.
  2. If there is no alternative but to do the daily cleaning, and you are thinking about how to wash the floors when there is humidity, we suggest trying to wash them with very hot water, or at least as hot as your hands can handle. The water at high temperature will favour the evaporation of the moisture that we are contributing to the floors that are being washed.
  3. When removing the moisture from the floors, add a good stream of alcohol to the wash water will favour faster drying.
  4. And finally, the least known and most efficient recommendation for drying floors with humidity is to use the air conditioning system in the “dehumidifier” mode. The system will work removing the humidity, eliminating it towards the outside, without refrigerating the premises, which is important if we are doing this in the middle of winter.

After having given you 4 household solutions to know how to remove moisture from the floor, I will try to tell you what are the real causes that generate soil moisture, and if we are still on time, you can correct the problem before the floors end wet.

Causes that generate humidity

Except for occasional events, such as losses due to breakage of a water pipe or sewer (rain or sewage), it is assumed that the causes that can cause moisture problems in floors, usually have to do with two main reasons:

If ending with the humidity in flats is YOUR problem, that of a relative, a friend or anyone that generates a little compassion, it will be worth it if you stay to see if we can rescue any idea that alleviates your ills or those of others.

What happens to floors? How to remove moisture from the ground?

There are places, regions or even seasons of intense rains that usually cause the rise of the groundwater of the land where the house sits. To not complicate it, let’s say that groundwater is an accumulation of groundwater that is at a relatively small depth below ground level.

This often occurs in low areas or close to natural water sources (rivers, lakes, etc.), but since their level is very changeable, they also tend to rise much higher than usual, in areas where they should usually be several meters below the surface.

Let’s not make this a treatise on geology, so, without going into more detail, I tell you that the future problem of humidity is there (under our feet), and something must be done. Our house is based on foundations, seats or bases of columns, which discharge all their weight to the ground. The subfloors form the base of the interior floors and are the points of contact that your house has with the ground on which it sits and you chose to build.

Whatever the material with which they are made (usually concrete), it will always be porous enough to prevent the rise of the soil’s own humidity, in what is known as capillary moisture.

Simplistic solution: prevent contact of the house with the ground. What is the first thing we would say? it is impossible! … until we think carefully.

Literally speaking, preventing contact would, for example, interpose something between the house and the ground, thin enough for that contact to continue to exist (¿??).

How to put it into practice to remove moisture in floors?

To not enter into a play on words say a polyethylene film, nylon or whatever you want to call it, in a thickness of 200 microns (or practically nothing), under the subfloor (between it and the ground), would efficiently meet the idea to waterproof the floor and prevent floors from getting wet.

By not being in direct contact with the house, as good waterproof material that is, it could isolate the structure from the perverse effects of water preventing its rise through the floor and preventing moisture in walls.

Such is its effectiveness that in fact it is a technique commonly used when “wrapping” the wells of concrete bases and foundations, as well as to “coat” the ground on the later that the house will settle.

For those who will be questioning if this is really necessary, in principle they will have to admit that any measure tending to prevent moisture in floors and walls will be much more beneficial than learning how to remove moisture, once it has already appeared

As a technical recommendation, we say that, as much as possible, complete rolls are used (to avoid joints where floor moisture can be leaked), or otherwise overlap them at least between 20 and 30cm.


It is an economic method (very low cost of the product), simple to carry out, and proven effective to forget many of the moisture problems in concrete floors, and then on the final floor.

If you buy top quality luxury vinyl tiles from us, we will advise you about the type of glue you have to use to prevent humidity accumulation.