Packing fragile things – Tips to protect fragile objects for removal
Valuable possessions are sometimes very fragile objects that may break during the violent movements that take place during removals. The use of plastic protectors and labelling specific boxes as fragile items.
Could you imagine a box with an expensive jar suddenly falling off to the floor and hearing that cracking sound while your heart jumps? After a moment like that you will not want to open that box and face a hard and painful reality.
Preparing your things for a removal means packing a lot of stuff, but not all of them can be packed in the same way. Some items are way more delicate than others and therefore more precautions at the time of packaging are needed.
In this article we will go through those objects that are very delicate and should be taken as fragile items during a removal and what kind of materials are needed in order to pack them correctly. We will also give you some tips regarding the packing process.
Materials needed to pack fragile belongings
Removal can be very stressful and even traumatic sometimes. For that reason it’s important to take all precautions needed in order to avoid breaking one of these valuable objects during the removal.
What kind of objects should you pack and handle as fragile objects? We can split them into two categories: delicate objects and electronics. Delicate objects would be anything that can break easily by falling onto the floor, most of these things are made of crystal or glass, for example: mirrors, jars, crockery, etc. While electronic objects are also delicate because a strong impact can make them stop working, things as laptops, cameras, media players, etc; must be regarded as delicate things.
Once you have already identified which objects will need special protection and which will not, you will have to find the materials needed to protect them well. The most important thing you should find is toilet paper or something similar and bubble wrap as well, both of these are very affordable and easy to find. You will also need boxes, packing tape and a stapler.
Tips to pack fragile objects
Once you already have the materials needed you can start working. These are some useful tips and recommendations you can keep in mind while you’re packing your stuff for a removal:
- The inferior part of the box should have something tough that grants stability and that also works as a mattress for the things you are carrying inside. Some of the things you can use to cover the inferior part of the box are magazines and balls made out of newspaper. You can also use the cardboards where the eggs come, these can be especially useful for lighter objects.
- Never put two fragile objects together in the same box. Make sure you put them in two different boxes because the contact with each other can easily break them.
- Do your best to have them fixed inside the box. Organise them in a way that they do not move regardless of how much the box moves. If you want this to happen you should try your best to leave no holes inside the box by filling the empty spaces with a lighter material such as paper or polyurethane foam. In some cases you can also use packing tape in order to fix them to the sides of the box.
- Electronic objects should go inside proper boxes. For bigger size objects such as flat screens it’s always better to use the original box where the product came. For this reason if you buy a TV and you’re looking forward to moving out should you keep not only the box where it came but also the polystyrene pieces
- Label the boxes properly. It’s fundamental that you put the word “FRAGILE” in the exterior side of the box, and it has to be as clear as possible. Also, the boxes should be made with a resilient and tough material that closes perfectly, leaving no space and no risk of opening up in the middle of the removal.
- It’s better to abuse in the use of packing tape than falling short from it. If a box falls from the truck, opens up and everything in the inside comes out of the box, the consequences will most likely be irreparable.
- Protecting things with your clothes can also be a great idea. This can be a last resource in case you don’t have any more bubble wrap or toilet paper.
- You can buy specialised products for removals. These products are excellent offers especially made to offer extra safety during the removal. They can be a little more expensive than the good old boxes and bubble wrap but some extra protection cannot be a bad investment.
- Some objects just cannot be packed. If it’s an object that is very valuable for you then carry it by yourself. If you take those especially valuable objects with you then you can avoid having them mishandled by someone else.
If you want to make sure your objects arrive to their destiny as impeccable as always then do not hesitate to call us. We are your company of services regarding anything related to removals and changing your location and your objects’ to another one.