Lavender is a medicinal plant that is characterised by its calming properties. In addition, its essential oil is very beneficial for health.
Lavender is a plant of the family of lamiaceae, it contains about thirty known species. The scientific name of lavender, lavandulae, comes from the Latin verb lavare, because this flower helps wash both physical and emotional wounds.
Its unmistakable aroma has made this plant the quintessential jewel of aromatherapy. In France it is widely used to make perfumes and cologne waters. It is also used to perfume and scare away the insects of cabinets and drawers, in which a sack with lavender flowers is placed. Its bushy flower spikes are steam distilled to produce the essential oil used for muscle aches and headaches.
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How to use the lavender plant
Lavender is used as an infusion for migraines caused by nervous exhaustion by taking 1 cup of standard infusion of flowers 3 times a day and, if you drink 1 cup before bedtime, it can help relieve insomnia. It is also appropriate as a digestive after food.
In tincture, you can take up to 5 ml (1 teaspoon) a day for migraines, depression or nervous tension, although it also serves to calm asthma, especially in attacks triggered by nervous tension, and for stress.
However, the most widespread application of lavender is as an essential oil, to which there are three different ways to take advantage of it:
- Apply pure oil over insect bites or bites, or add 10 drops to 50 ml of water and use it as a sunburn lotion. To help fall asleep, place a cloth with 3-4 drops of oil under the pillow.
- Massage oil Dilute 2 ml (20 drops) of essential oil in 10 ml of base oil to relieve muscle aches. Rub the temples and neck in case of tension headaches or when you perceive the least sign of migraine.
- Rinse hair. Dilute 20 drops of essential oil in a jug of water to get a good hair rinse for lice. Apply a few drops of pure oil on the comb with which the larvae and nits are removed.
Lavender, as a medicinal plant, has many uses: analgesic, cell regenerator, sedative, helps to reduce the symptoms of flu and cold … always using the essential oil that is extracted from the plant. But above all it has great antiseptic power. In a recent burn it helps prevent the appearance of blisters, as well as regenerate tissues. In the case of wounds, it disinfects instantly avoiding subsequent consequences. Also, as an anti-inflammatory it is widely used, especially in rheumatic or arthritis processes, as lavender helps to relax and soothe the pain.
It is important for our health that the essential oil we use is of high quality, but the measures given in the indications of the remedies may not be the same and not act in the same way to the ailments.
What are its practical utilities for our daily life? Here are some:
In its inhalation, having relaxing properties, it is perfect to eliminate headaches (headaches), those nerves that “are fixed in the stomach,” tachycardias caused by nervousness, or the rise in blood pressure due to a state of psychological stress.
For digestive purposes, an infusion of Lavender after the meal can be of great help to make a better digestion, avoiding stomach acid or excessive gas proliferation, as well as intestinal cumbers so uncomfortable.
If we have a damaged liver, we can place a wipe impregnated with its essence on it. It will help us improve your condition.
If we apply its essence on the skin, it has so many utilities, among them we highlight its genius to calm muscle pain, either due to excessive sport – (after a “pull” it relaxes a lot) -, as by those caused by the stress, – (the typical muscle contractions in the neck area that we suffer so often, for example) -, is also very practical when we feel rheumatic pain or osteoarthritis so own and changes in time or season.
As it has antiseptic properties, another of the utilities on the skin is its healing effect, which helps to close wounds, heal eczema, or improve acne, as it also acts as a regulator of fat.
How to grow the lavender plant
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a shrub from the Mediterranean countries of Europe and Africa. Lavender flowers contain skin care essential oils that have a balancing and soothing fragrance. As an essential oil it is used for body care and spiritual harmony.
The oldest civilizations already used this plant through different procedures to take advantage of its many therapeutic properties and its magnificent fragrance in perfumes and cosmetic products.
The Romans made use of this aroma in their baths, for its antiseptic qualities and a doctor from ancient Greece praised the medicinal qualities of it.
- This oil, rich in esters and alcohols, is useful when it comes to fighting both depression and anxiety and stress, helping to relax the mind, making it interesting to apply in times of greatest tension.
- It is ideal for the treatment of insomnia, stress and headaches. It is an extremely relaxing oil, which brings peace and harmony to our whole being.
- It is also very useful for the feeling of overwhelm that very nervous or restless people perceive, or who go through a period of affective imbalance, is wonderfully counteracted by the sedative effects of Lavender oil.
Cosmetic Properties:
- On the skin, lavender essential oil stands out as a great regenerator of skin cells.
- It is widely used in acne treatments, dehydrated skin, and assaulted. As well as for sensitive skin.
- This oil has anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to this, it is used as a method to treat burns, inflammations, psoriasis and wounds.
Contact us today for more information about our deluxe products such as coconut oil, lavender and more, here at Rasling Raw we are ready to assist you.