What kind of food can produce cavities?
If it is true that we are what we eat, then it is especially true for our teeth and gums. When you consume drinks that contain a lot of sugar such as sodas or artificial juices and eat starchy foods, not only do you feed yourself, but it also feeds the plaque that can cause cavities problem in your mouth.
And while some foods can cause cavities, others can help fight plaque and build-up healthy teeth and gums. Learn more about recommended foods (and some that should be avoided) to help keep your smile bright.
If you want to ensure your mouth is at the best condition possible and that you are free from cavities or want a cleaning that leaves your teeth as bright as sunlight then do not hesitate to visit us as Parkwood Green Dental. Expert professionals in dental care that will help you with any issue you have.
Foods that fight cavities
Fruits and vegetables rich in fibre
Foods containing fibre stimulate the flow of saliva, which is a natural defence against cavities. Saliva not only removes food particles and cleanses your mouth, but also, about 20 minutes after eating something, saliva begins to neutralise the acids that attack your teeth. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots and celery.
Cheese, milk, natural yogurt and other milk products
Calcium, phosphates and vitamin D from cheese, milk and other milk products are important minerals for the health of your teeth. Your teeth are made up mostly of calcium, and if your diet does not contain enough calcium, you run the risk of developing cavities and other problems.
An added benefit is that the calcium in these foods is mixed with the plaque and adheres to the teeth, so that it protects them from the acids that cause cavities and helps rebuild the enamel that covers the teeth instantly. Are you worried about not getting enough calcium because you are allergic to milk or because you do not like the taste? There are many juices, soy milks, and other calcium-fortified foods that can give you the same amount of calcium in your diet as milk does.
Sugar-Free Chewing Gum
Eating sugar-free chewing gum after meals and snacks can help remove harmful acids from your teeth to preserve the enamel from them. But make sure it does not contain sugar! Consuming sugared chewing gum can increase your chances of developing cavities. Sugar-free chewing gum containing xylitol, which has been shown to have qualities that prevent cavities, may even have an additional benefit. Studies show that xylitol probably inhibits the development of Streptococcus mutants, the oral bacterium that causes cavities.
Green Tea and Black Tea
Teas contain compounds that inhibit bacteria, affecting the processes responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. Depending on the type of water you use to prepare your tea, a cup of tea can also be a source of fluoride. Just remember not to add sugar to your tea.
Water with fluoride
Drinking water with fluoride, or any product made with water with fluoride, helps your teeth. This includes powdered juices and dehydrated soups. If there is no potable water with fluoride where you live, ask your dentist about fluoride supplements.
Foods that can cause cavities
Sweets and treats with sugar that remain in your mouth
If you consume treats, choose those that disappear from your mouth quickly. The candy that sticks to the teeth (palettes, candy, gum and hard candy) make it difficult for saliva to eliminate sugar. Snacks such as cookies, cakes and other desserts contain a lot of sugar, which can cause cavities. If you consume foods like these, do so on a limited basis and do not eat them as snacks throughout the day. If you eat them, brush your teeth well immediately.
Refined Starchy Carbohydrates
Foods such as potato chips, bread, pasta, and crackers can damage teeth like candy. Starches made from white flour are simple carbohydrates and can remain in your mouth and then turn into simple sugars. Bacteria feed on sugar and produce acids that cause tooth decay.
Carbonated Soft Drinks
Not only does regular soft drinks contain a high amount of sugar, both normal and dietary soft drinks contain phosphorus and carbonation which burn away the enamel of your teeth (so they stain them). Many energy drinks, iced teas and bottled lemonades also contain high amounts of sugar and acidity that can wear off the tooth enamel. If you consume soft drinks regularly, you should use a straw to avoid having too much contact with your teeth.
Fruit Juice
While fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, fruit juice can produce problems for your teeth. Whole fruits have fibre and are a source of sugar (and sometimes acid) less concentrated. In addition, juices sometimes have added sugar, which can be even more harmful to your teeth. If you drink fruit juices regularly, you should use a straw to avoid having too much contact with your teeth.
Lemons, citrus fruits and other acidic foods
Avoid having these foods in your mouth for an extended period of time for the same the same reason you should not let carbonated soft drinks remain in your mouth. The level of acidity acidic foods have wears off enamel from your teeth.
If you want to avoid cavities, plaque and problems in your gums you need to brush your teeth properly three times a day, especially after eating and also remember to visit your dentist every 3 months for your regular dental cleaning.
Here at Parkwood Green Dental we are the leading medical providers in our area, providing community with the best practises done by the most professional staff with years of experience in the dental care business along with preventive care that will save you from having to visit us every other month. We utilise the most up to date technology to guarantee all our patients the highest standards of service. Book an appointment today and enjoy the ultimate comfort and professional care offered in our friendly atmosphere.