Today there are sneakers for all needs. Also, for walking fans. Does resorting to a ‘running’ shoes entail any risk?
Shoes for pronators, for supinators, for flat feet, for novice runners, for marathon runners, for those who run on treadmills, for fitness adherents and even yoga … for each and every one of them a specific product has been designed. The increasing specialisation in the field of sneakers leads to anyone who prefers to practice the serene sport of walking to wonder: do we have to settle for a running shoe when we do not run? The detractors of “a shoe for everything” claim that you may end up suffering back pain, you risk injury or suffer perspiration problems. Let’s see what is true in all this.
But running is one thing and walking, another. While in running the foot strikes the ground for short periods of time and with a considerable impact, when walking it makes a rocking movement, so that the weight rolls from the heel and continues to the toes. As expert podiatrists point out, the walking movement is less aggressive and implies a lower impact of our locomotor system on the ground.
The running shoes are prepared to absorb large workloads that really do not take place when walking. Experts do not consider this overprotection to be negative: “What is good for running is also for walking. Our feet will be more protected and the rest of our joints, ankle, knee, hip and even spine, will also suffer less impact.
Other experts think that walking requires more complete cushioning, and that doing so with running shoes can lead to impact injuries such as plantar fasciitis, fractures and tendonitis. Running shoes that are comfortable and fit for our feet can prevent injuries such as blisters and corns.
In fact, there are walking shoes: designed for walking, not for running. They are manufactured to be more flexible through the heel ball, and thus allow a greater range of movement through the arch of the plant. They also have greater arch support to protect where the force is heaviest on the foot. Running shoes, on the other hand, have more cushioning in the heel – the point of impact – and less protection through the ball of the foot. The amount of heat generated in the running movement is greater, so running shoes are also made with a greater amount of mesh to keep the feet cool during exercise.
Find a great shoes collection of all styles here at Music Room Shoes and complete your purchase easily in just a couple of clicks.
Comfort before anything else, says science
In a recent study from the University of Calgary (Canada) they wanted to prove scientifically if specialized footwear could alter the way an athlete runs and thus reduce their injuries. The results were surprising: what really lessens injuries is that the footwear “be comfortable.” Dr. Nigg, who led the investigation, explains in his conclusions that “our body is an excellent judge and when we ignore or fight against our bodies (wearing inappropriate shoes) increases the risk of injury.” Therefore, and for those To those who do not like to walk with a running shoe (although it is more comfortable than a Saturday in a tracksuit), expert podiatrists recommend “casual type footwear”, although the specialist remembers that after an hour of walking he a running shoe seems more appropriate.
Another aspect to consider is related not to our health but to that of the shoes: if we use them for running and walking, they will last less. A sneaker will end up suffering deformations due to its “overuse after its useful life”. Then it will be time to invest in a new pair of shoes.
Find out why Skechers shoes are so comfortable
If you have a pair of Skechers shoes, you already know it … It is one of the most comfortable shoe brands currently on the market. You will notice comfort in all its collections: Skechers Performance, for training and sports; GoWalk and On the Go, ideal for walking; You by Skechers, versatile footwear that combines health and fashion; GoRun for the runners or Skechers Lights for the little ones in the house.
Why are they so comfortable?
Dressing some Skechers is an experience thanks to several elements that make them very comfortable (template, midsole, exterior …) and for the technology with which they have been designed.
Skechers Memory Foam Template
The brand visco elastic insole is very comfortable for walking and walking. The footprint memory template will cushion your footprint so that you are comfortable throughout the day. We found this template in several collections of the brand, especially in everyday footwear and in sneakers.
Skechers Air Cooled Memory Foam Template
Similar to the previous one in terms of comfort, the Air Cooled Memory Foam insole is more pronounced in the heel area. Cushion your footprint so that walking is a comfortable and enjoyable experience. You will be comfortable all day. This template is present in casual footwear models.
Skechers Goga Max Squad
The Skechers Goga Max template is perfect for walking. You will find it in the GoWalk and On the Go collections, ideal to take them when you travel and you have to walk a lot. Goga Max will cushion your footprint, absorb impacts and give you the latest generation of support.
5GEN technology
The 5GEN midsole, with 5th generation technology, is present in footwear models for running, walking and some casual use. It allows you to run in a more natural way and you will be able to take advantage of the energy in each step because it provides a greater return of energy.
New line You by Skechers
You by Skechers is a very comfortable and versatile footwear aimed at active and energetic women, looking for ideal shoes for the office, go to yoga class and for casual use. The shoes of this collection combine lifestyle and wellness. They are made with a soft mesh upper and super flexible knit that offers greater breathability and freedom of movement. It has the innovative 5GEN midsole for greater cushioning and incorporates the comfortable You by Skechers template.
Find a great shoes collection of all styles here at Music Room Shoes and complete your purchase easily in just a couple of clicks.