On October 25, 1995 the first world congress dedicated to pasta was held in Rome. A date that since then was set for the celebration of the World Day of such popular food. And like us, this type of ‘ephemeris gastro’ always seems a great excuse to hang up our apron or reserve a table in a restaurant (without going any further, we did it a few days ago on the occasion of ‘World Egg Day’), with the pasta dishes were not going to be less.
There are practically innumerable recipes that we have offered you where this product is the ingredient ‘star’. Today we are going to focus on the section of the sauces that best accompany you. We teach you to prepare ten of the most common: easy, colourful … and delicious!
Remember that you can try real Italian food at our excellent restaurant. If you want to make a reservation you can call at: (02) 9560 7957 and we will be happy to have you within our guests for another wonderful night here at Fernando’s Italian.
Bolognese sauce
300 g of minced beef; 75 g bacon in cubes; 1 onion; 1 branch of celery; 1 carrot; 400 ml of tomato sauce; 4 spoons of olive oil; 2 spoons of white wine; 2 spoons of chopped parsley; Salt; Pepper.
Chop the onion, celery and carrot. Heat the oil in a casserole and brown the bacon and minced meat. Add the chopped onion, celery and carrot, salt and pepper and cook 10 minutes over medium heat. Add tomato sauce and wine, mix and cook 10 minutes more with the covered casserole. Add the chopped parsley and mix everything well.
Amalfitana sauce
400 ml of tomato sauce; 8 anchovies in oil; 2 cloves of garlic; 2 spoons of olive oil; 8 leaves of basil; Pepper.
Peel and chop the garlic cloves. Chop the anchovies. Wash the basil, dry it and chop it. Heat the oil in a casserole and brown the chopped garlic. Add the tomato sauce and freshly ground pepper and cook 5 minutes over low heat. Add the chopped anchovies and the basil also chopped, mix and heat 2 more minutes. Reserve the heat.
Pesto sauce
15 large leaves of basil; ½ clove of garlic; 50 g of Parmesan cheese; 50 g of pine nuts; 150 ml extra virgin olive oil; salt and pepper.
Wash the basil leaves and dry them well. Peel the garlic and pour it into the blender glass with the basil leaves, the pine nuts, the parmesan cheese, the oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Mash 2 minutes. Add more olive oil if a less dense pesto is desired.
About this sauce: The name of the pesto is due to the container where ingredients are traditionally mashed, pestaio in Italian, mortar for us. The lack of space is imposed and very few people have such a large mortar to do it by hand. It is delicious with fresh spaghetti and can also be used, adding more oil, to dress meats and salads.
Bacon sauce with cheese
400 ml of tomato sauce; 80 g of bacon in strips; 75 g of grated cheese; 100 ml of white wine; 1 chilli pepper; 2 spoons of olive oil; salt and pepper.
Remove the seeds and the stem to the chilli pepper and chop it. Pour the bacon strips in a pan with the oil. When they are transparent, add the chilli pepper and cook 1 minute. To bathe with the wine and to cook 2 minutes. Incorporate the tomato sauce and cook 10 minutes on low heat. Remove from heat, add cheese and mix.
Carbonara sauce
150 g sliced bacon 1 cm thick; 4 eggs; 2 spoons of olive oil; salt and pepper.
Cut the bacon into 1 cm cubes and brown in a pan until almost charred. Remove from heat and reserve. Beat the eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper. Add the diced bacon and mix.
About this sauce: It owes its name to the colour of the bacon (it can also be made with bacon) very toasted. Although it is usually made with cream, the truth is that it does not intervene at all in the classic recipe, which is only made with raw beaten eggs with the addition of bacon cubes.
Gorgonzola sauce
100 g of Gorgonzola cheese; ½ lemon juice; 50 ml of yogurt; 8 nuts; 4 spoons of olive oil.
In the mortar, peel the peeled nuts until a paste is obtained. Chop the cheese and toss it in a bowl with the lemon juice, yogurt, oil and mashed nuts. Mix until a homogeneous sauce is obtained.
Ideal for: accompany short, long pasta or stuffed with cheese and pear.
Mushrooms sauce
80 g of dried mushrooms; 2 shallots; 20 g of butter; 2 spoons f olive oil; 150 ml of cream; 100 ml of white wine; 2 sprigs of thyme; 1 bay leaf; salt and pepper.
Put the mushrooms in soaking in warm water for 15 minutes. Peel, wash and cut the shallots in julienne. Poach them under fire for 5 minutes in a pan with the mixture of oil and butter. To bathe with the wine and to cook 5 minutes to live fire. Add the drained mushrooms and cook for 5 more minutes. Add the cream, season, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook 15 minutes. Reserve the heat.
Ideal for: accompany short pasta and ravioli or any other pasta stuffed with mushrooms. It can also be done with fresh mushrooms, which do not need soaking.
Goat cheese sauce
200 g of fresh goat cheese; 1 cooked egg yolk; 50 g of arugula; 100 ml olive oil; 1 c.c. of sweet paprika; Salt.
Grind the arugula and mix it in a bowl with the egg yolk, paprika and a pinch of salt. Add the crumbled cheese with the help of the fork and mix again. Once a homogeneous compound is obtained, add the oil in fine yarn while mixing with a wooden spoon.
Ideal for: For short or long pasta, dry or fresh and also to form layers of lasagna alternating with a Bolognese sauce, for example.
Remember that if you want to try excellent Italian food at an authentic Italian restaurant in Australia, you must visit Fernando’s Italian.