Furniture can be damaged if they are exposed to the sun, either directly in the garden of your house and inside the room, near a door or window. To prevent them from spoiling and keeping their best appearance for longer, we share these tips to protect the furniture from the sun.
If you want to let experts handle this, here at Brisbane Upholstery we pride ourselves in reupholstering well-made furniture and antiques.
How to protect leather furniture
Protecting leather furniture from the sun requires a lot of maintenance since the leather tends to dry out if it does not hydrate from time to time and the sun can take away its natural color.
Leathers such as semi-aniline and aniline do not have a protective layer, so if you have furniture of this type near a window where the sun always comes, they will be the first to lose their color, in addition to Some cracks appear. To avoid cracking and drying leather furniture, you have to clean them every 6 months with essential oils or moisturisers.
If your furniture is already pale and dry, only with the help of a professional could you save them since although you can return them to their original color, the texture will not be the same again. That is why it is very important that you give them preventive care.
To prevent damage to leather furniture try to prevent the passage of sunlight with curtains, at least in the hottest seasons of the year, as it will be too much for your furniture to withstand.
Tips to take care of fabric furniture
The sun can make the colors of any fabric become dull and lifeless, which is why cloth furniture also needs to be protected from the sun, especially if it is very sensitive to damage fabrics.
As a recommendation, look for furniture with natural fabrics, among which wool and cotton stand out for their popularity, or more elaborate ones such as those that bring mixtures of acrylic, nylon and even polyester.
On the other hand, fabrics such as silk and linen, although they can come with more attractive and luxurious designs, are the fabrics to which color will fade faster if they are exposed to the sun for a long time. Do not leave your cloth furniture for a long time exposed to the sun and be careful to enter them in the shade at times where the sun is most intense.
Look for light colors for your furniture, since the strongest colors are the first to notice the damage caused by the sun, or if you prefer you can protect your chairs, for example, with colored covers.
Tips to protect wooden furniture
Wood is undoubtedly one of the materials chosen par excellence for garden decorations, but it is also a very delicate material and easy to deteriorate due to the weather. Damage caused by the sun on wooden furniture is very difficult to reverse, which is why you should pay special attention to prevent any problems that the sun can cause.
To prevent the sun from leaving our wooden furniture pale and dry, we must protect the wood as a sealant, a protector or a varnish.
Following these simple and practical tips you can extend the life of the furniture and at the same time you will always have an impeccable and neat decoration. Your furniture will look like new for longer and you will save money on repairs or buying new furniture.
Advantages and disadvantages of leather sofas
Choosing a sofa is one of the most complicated points of decorating a living room. Mainly because its large cost and no smaller size make changing it not a simple and economically viable company.
That is why it is important to be clear about what we expect from that sofa, what we are going to use it for and what its estimated useful life will be. It is not the same to buy a sofa to spend a year in a student apartment than to choose the triplet for the house that we just bought newlyweds.
Today we will try to address, from my own experience, the advantages and disadvantages of leather sofas, one of the options that is always present when choosing finishes, but on which there is a great controversy and diversity of opinions.
The advantages
In my opinion, the biggest advantage of leather sofas is their cleanliness and maintenance, especially if the leather is good. Normally, it is enough to pass a slightly damp cloth to easily remove dust and most stains. If we see that one resists or is especially dirty, a wipe with moisturiser like babies will leave it as new, even if it is white. A couple of times a year we can protect the leather with a special cream for this purpose.
Another advantage is its greater durability. A leather sofa can last many years “like new”, while a fabric sofa, although we can wash the covers, deteriorates and gets dirty much faster.
Finally, we must not forget something as important as design and presence. The skin is a noble finish and as such, transmits that nobility to the sofa and this to the room it occupies.
The disadvantages
First of all, the biggest drawback when it comes to buying a leather sofa is its price, which can double or even triple the price of the same sofa upholstered in fabric or another finish. On the other hand, this premium will probably be amortised due to the greater durability of the leather, but it is possible that at the time of purchase it is not possible to make that additional disbursement.
Second is usability. Although the skin is a pleasant material to the touch, its habitual use makes us discover some buts, which are mainly summarized in that it is cold in winter and hot in summer, in addition to its prolonged contact with the bare skin makes you literally stick.
Here at Brisbane Terminator we will provide you with the services you need to keep your building or house free from moths.