Your eyelashes may improve over the years. Learn to take care of them to achieve an anti-aging effect without having to resort to artificial inserts. Like all the hair of our body, the eyelashes and eyebrows have their life cycle.
They are not eternal and are renewed constantly, although not at the same pace as the scalp. To check if your eyelashes are aging, just look if the amount or length of them is the same as you had a few years ago.
The life cycle of the eyelashes is made up of three stages: growth, rest (when they are at their maximum splendour), and desquamation, which is the last phase and causes the eyelash to fall. This process is repeated throughout life
As the years go by, the follicles or pores where the eyelashes grow weaken (we lose more than we generate), to the point of reaching to stop production. Remember you can also purchase top quality fake eyelashes here at Tigress Beauty.
In addition to age, there are other reasons that cause the loss of eyelashes, among which we highlight the following:
- Hormonal changes, characteristic from 45 years with the arrival of perimenopause (period that precedes menopause).
- Rub the lashes with great force
- Genetic factors
- Medical conditions
- Some medications and treatments
To know the changes that occur in your body over the years and learn to maintain youth, register on our free page and see “So we change to 30, 40, 50 and 60+.”
Products to lengthen the eyelashes
To look beautiful lashes, it is best to take care of them as we take care of the appearance of our hair.
We must use good products to make up and remove makeup, to avoid premature fall.
According to the experts, there are many different products to improve lashes, stimulants and conditioners, whose effect is to stimulate the follicles so that the eyelashes grow more. They contain oils, peptides, biotin and other vitamins.
Many of them recommend a nourishing routine for your eyelashes, adapted to your busy professional and personal life. Regularly hydrates your eyelashes with natural castor oil to keep them long, leafy, strong, voluminous, hydrated and nourished; but, above all, healthy. Success lies in equilibrium. That’s why it is recommendable to alternate the regular care of my eyelashes with the special one. A couple of times a year you should apply a serum, while the rest of the time you can use castor oil.
However, both whey and castor oil can be applied daily. It should be done at night, after the cream for the eye contour.
Castor oil is very dense, so the best time to use it is the winter months.
And you, how do you take care of your eyelashes? Have you tried castor oil or any of the products we recommend?
How to increase the thickness of the eyelashes with the use of coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural product that helps thicken the eyelashes so they look plentiful and long. Use it and you will be surprised!
A thick and long eyelash pair make us look more expressive and beautiful. For this reason, most of us often seek to thicken the eyelashes and give them a longer appearance to highlight our eyes and eyes. Some women have the good fortune of having strong, thick and long natural eyelashes. However, most have to look for different strengthening tricks, since the eyelashes are usually very thin, thin and not very abundant.
If you are part of the group of women who want to improve the appearance of their eyelashes and do not want to invest large sums of money in commercial treatments, do not miss this natural alternative to contribute to the thickening of your eyelashes using simply coconut oil.
Why is coconut oil good for eyelashes?
Coconut oil is a natural product often used in different beauty treatments, since it has been proven that it has many benefits for the skin and hair. In fact, coconut oil has become one of the active ingredients in many commercial beauty treatments that have become popular in the market. One of its main properties is to clean and remove impurities, which in the case of eyelashes can be very beneficial.
How to increase the thickness of the eyelashes with the use of coconut oil?
This natural product nourishes and strengthens the eyelashes, giving a protective layer to prevent new impurities from adhering to them. This oil deeply hydrates, provides vitamins to the eyelashes and stimulates their thickening and growth.
How to prepare a mask of coconut oil for your eyelashes?
To take full advantage of the benefits of coconut oil to nourish, strengthen and thicken the eyelashes, you simply have to mix the following ingredients in a container, then dip in it a brush for the eyelashes.
- 1 drop of lemon juice
- 1 drop of lavender essence.
- 1 splash of fractionated coconut oil
Mix all the ingredients until you have a homogeneous liquid, and then, apply it on the lashes using a mascara brush. This treatment will help to grow the eyelashes and increase their volume. It is a healthy treatment with which you will notice results in a very short time.
For best results it is recommended to apply them twice a day and especially before going to sleep.
Final tips
Although this natural remedy with coconut oil helps to thicken the eyelashes naturally, it is important to consider other important tips that contribute to obtain better results with this treatment.
Avoid the excessive use of cosmetics: the excessive use of masks and mascara, as well as eyeliners, causes the lashes to weaken and end up falling. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid excessive use of these products and remove them every day with a make-up remover.
Avoid carving the eyes: if you are part of those people who carve their eyes several times a day, you better try to leave this bad habit forever. Carving the eyes can cause infections and can cause eyelashes to fall.
When you choose Tigress Beauty as your leading provider of vegan lashes, you can be sure you are using beautiful eyelashes that do not contain any animal-derived components.