Instructions for making a basic car inspection. Tips for making a basic car review Periodically, looking for car revision and good maintenance and condition of the car it is necessary to perform a routine maintenance.
This way you will avoid deterioration or failure at the least expected moment. In Doncomos.com we will teach you how to do a basic review of the car so that you can use it and drive with ease.
When you are going to take a trip you always have to do this review at least to feel calm. We say at least because it is also convenient for your mechanic to do a general check.
Anyway, we will explain all those controls that you can do without help and that should be part of your routine. Driving a car safely is not only to comply with all the pre-established rules of driving or transporting passengers but also having all the care related to the operation of the car.
For example, if you do not check the windshield wiper blades and you are surprised by a rain on the road you will find yourself in serious trouble if your windshield wiper is not in condition or if you do not have fluid to clean it if necessary. Remember that safety must be first of all and prevent possible accidents depends on the state of your car and not just the driving.
Here at JB Prestige Euro Automotive Service we pride ourselves in providing the best services for European cars in our area. If you think your brakes are not working well or you need assistance with any other kind of vehicle repair.
Full control per year would be ideal and sufficient to travel safely
Although it is expensive to do it in a mechanical workshop you can save money if you do the minimum controls that we have explained periodically because you will avoid greater evils. What do you need to do a basic review of the car? Control of fluids, tires and lights Car documentation.
Instructions for doing a basic car check
When we talk about a basic car check we mean a car that is in good or normal working condition. If the car has failures and you are about to make a trip you should have it checked by a mechanic. First, we must check the fluids of the car. For this you must do it with the cold engine, that is if you were using it you should stop the engine, lift the hood and let it cool. Check the oil level: Remove the dipstick that comes especially for this and as it will have oil you should clean it with a clean cloth. You will see that at the end of the rod there are some marks that are what indicate the level of oil in the container. Open the oil line and insert the dipstick completely, remove it and look at the mark that was left.
The optimum level should remain, otherwise you should add oil (always recommended by the manufacturer). However, when checking the oil level, you can tell if the change is necessary, this happens if you see that it is dirty, very thick or looks bad. To know how many kilometres, you must do the oil change you must see the instruction manual, knowing your car is a priority. Always record the date of the last oil change. Another fluid you should check is the radiator. To do this, open the lid and look at the liquid level. Add if necessary.
Also, the windshield wiper carries its liquid. This must always be full. Open the tank and add demineralized water to prevent tartar from forming in the ducts. If you add any more additives for cleaning the glass, check the recommendations given by the manufacturer in the manual.
Check the brake fluid level, adding if necessary and adjusting the caps when you close them. Another important point of review is that of tires. Some things are done with the naked eye, others require specialized assistance in workshops. At first glance you can check that the tire wear is even, that is to say that none of the wheels shows greater wear on the inside or outside of the tire because this means that it is poorly aligned or poorly balanced. They should look straight. If not, take the car to do an alignment and balancing, this must be repeated at least once a year which will allow you to take care of the tires and save money.
On the other hand, the slits or drawings of the tires must be clearly seen. This ensures that they adhere well to the pavement, that the brakes work better especially if it rains. When the wheels look smooth or the drawing is shallow it is time to change them. In the manual you will find the level of pressure required for the tires, this depends on the car and its weight.
At first glance you can see couples, neither too inflated nor deflated but if you are traveling, go to a gas station and there control the tire pressure. Place the value recommended by the manufacturer, which is in the manual, and then with the nozzle of the air hose press on the valve of each wheel until you reach the desired value.
Check that the extra wheel is in perfect condition
Another important control is that of car lights. Turn them on and check them with the naked eye, the front of the car: high, low and position. Test winks, beacons and fog lights, beacons, check the patent light. If any failure, buy the replacement and replace it. Inside the car the lights should work perfectly, check all such as the roof or sides of the interior, the trunk and trunk.
Check the dashboard lights, they should all work so you don’t have any problems. If something fails, go to the electrician in case there is any damage. Pay attention to all the strange noises your car may have since these can be indicators of mechanical damage that cause you greater problems during a trip or at any time. Review the necessary papers for any control, car insurance with proof of payment and all the documentation required in the city you live or where you go.
If you are traveling, check that the help wheel is in perfect condition. Check that no safety accessories are missing: fire extinguishers, beacons, jack, wrench to loosen the wheel nuts. Check the fluids, tires and lights a few days before leaving so you have time to make the necessary changes, purchases or replacements.
Remember that we can help you keep your car in perfect conditions here at JB Prestige automotive service you will find a team of qualified professionals for maintenance.