Stiffness or a knot in the neck can cause pain, which can extend to the shoulders, upper back or arms. Neck pain may be related to the understanding of the nerves in the neck, which can lead to numbness, weakness or tingling sensation in the hand and arm.
Neck pain may also be accompanied by a sensation of stiffness, muscle spasms and headache. You may hear or feel clicks or squeaks when you move your head, caused by the bones that move together or the ligaments that rub against the bone.
How can neck pain affect you?
Neck pain can become a real nuisance that prevents more basic movements, such as turning your head to look around or lifting shopping bags, without feeling discomfort.
Here at Parkwood Green Medical we will help you keep your under control so you will surely enjoy your daily routine without any type of pain in your back or neck. Contact us today and enjoy the services of true professionals in the area that will help you and your relatives feel fine and stay healthy regardless of the health issue you are facing.
Did you know?
If when you wake up you discover that your neck is turned to the side and locked in this position, it could be serious torticollis. It is the result of a neck muscle injury. Some of the causes may be poor posture or poor sleep support. It usually lasts only 24-48 hours, but it may take a week to improve.
89% of working professionals suffering from pain say they experience neck pain.
Neck pain is common at any age and sex. The symptoms of cervicalgia are: contractures, loss of mobility, pain in the neck, head, or at the base of the skull and root of the arms. Dizziness, vertigo, tingling in the hands, ringing in the ears and sometimes this symptomatology can also be accompanied by vomiting.
The most immediate and accessible treatment is the taking of analgesics, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants. They are usually effective and pain and contracture disappear without a trace in most cases. However, prolonged use of these types of drugs can cause significant long-term complications.
A poorly treated cervicalgia is increasingly contracting the back, increasing intervertebral pressure and causing the discs to compress and the joint spaces decrease, which accelerates osteoarthritis of the entire spine.
The basis of treatment includes local heat, the application of physical measures (ultrasound), massages, and stretching exercises. It is important to note that in order to avoid recurrence, patients should perform daily elongation exercises to keep their neck always relaxed and flexible. These exercises can be performed by anyone who wishes to keep their neck in perfect health.
The advice provided in this article is intended to help you avoid cervical pain.
Avoid causes: inappropriate or maintained postures, stress
80% of neck aches are due to strains, sprains, or muscular fibrillary tears caused by work overloads or during daily life activities that involve repeated or sustained neck movements. Examples of these activities are:
Inadequate postures when sitting in front of the desk, on the computer, or when driving.
In this type of activities, the bad posture is maintained for hours, straining the neck muscles more than convenient. In people with structural damage to the neck, such as osteoarthritis, discopathies, herniated discs, etc. minimal overloads lead to cervicalgia
Positions also improper when sleeping or, the use of high pillows.
Maintained neck flexion: ironing, cooking, or in your work activity.
Hyperextension of the neck: paint ceilings,
Maintained stress situations (work, family, social, etc.) cause tension and muscular contractures in the neck. Massages, decontract, improve circulation and improve neck mobility. However, and in order to prevent them and appear to a lesser extent, take note of the following recommendations.
Recommendations to avoid neck pain
- Relax to relieve moments of tension or stress.
– To do this, you can use deep abdominal breathing techniques, meditation, visualization and other relaxation techniques.
- Take frequent breaks when your neck starts to bother you:
– If you drive long distances or work long hours in the same position, be sure to take frequent breaks. Stretch, have a drink, take a deep breath and look for the right posture for the activity you are doing.
- Exercises and stretching
– Exercises and stretching help reduce pain by restoring muscle function, optimizing posture and increasing the strength and endurance of the neck muscles. These may include: Circular rotation of shoulder blades; neck extension, flexion and rotation; pectoral stretching; Shoulder strengthening and isometric exercises.
- Heat and cold therapy
– Get used to taking a hot shower over your neck for 10-15 minutes. The heat relaxes sore muscles.
- Massage and self-massage with socks and tennis balls
– A simple homemade appliance can be used for self-administered cervical acupressure. Put two tennis balls in a sock and tie the sock so that the balls are firmly attached. Place the tennis balls under the occiput so that they are putting pressure on the holes under the skull on each side of the spine for about 10 minutes. Resting on this device can help you relax the tense posterior muscles of the neck.
- Evaluate Ergonomics – Adjusting the conditions of workplaces such as office and home can avoid unnecessary stress and prevent cervical discomfort. This includes:
- Proper placement of a desk, chair, computer and telephone so that the screen is level with the eyes, the knees are slightly lower than the hips, the arms rest comfortably on the armrests of the chair, and the neck is in a neutral position relaxed while talking on the phone.
- Sleep deliberately
– Planning a sleeping position can prevent a painful neck. Avoid sleeping on the stomach and use a pillow that supports the natural curve of the neck. People who sleep on their backs are advised to use a cylindrical pillow under the curve of their knees, with a flat pillow to cushion the head. Those who sleep on their side should keep their back straight using a pillow that is higher under the neck than on the head. The goal is to avoid neck flexion at night.
In Parkwood Green Medical we have the physiotherapy service, and of course, the specialised medical team to perform it based on the needs of the patients, and also taking into account what led the patient to have the condition. Do not allow any back pain or neck pain to progress further or the muscles to atrophy, we are sure that we can help you. Once you experience our treatment you will not allow any health condition to go out of control.