We have all asked ourselves: how often do you have to wash your hair? The frequency with which it is recommended to wash your hair to look healthy and strong remains a “mystery”, since dermatologists and experts in the field do not agree.
All your life hearing that you have to wash your hair more often to discover that, perhaps, and without knowing it, you were right. Surely more than once you have wondered what is the true frequency with which we should wash our hair. This is what science says.
The truth is that from the moment you leave the shower, your hair begins a gradual process where as the days go by it becomes more bright, dark and oily. This happens for the same reason that your face becomes greasy: the skin glands produce an oily substance called sebum.
Visit our place, our Barbers of Northcote will be happy to cut your hair every time you want to change your look, you will be happy and surely want to keep coming to our premises for more.
Wash every day or only once a week?
Some experts say that you have to wash your hair every day, while others say that it is enough to clean it once a week. Perhaps the best option is neither one nor the other, but an intermediate point. According to other experts, hair should be cleaned every 3 days and for 6 minutes. The amount of shampoo that should be used is the size of a hazelnut (or nut, depending on the length of the hair), and should be done with a neutral shampoo and conditioner (or mask, approximately every 2 weeks).
How to wash your hair?
If the hair and scalp are normal, it is best to wash your hair every 3 days. What process should be followed? Apply the shampoo, massage the scalp to promote circulation, and gradually add water to mix the product well while continuing to massage the scalp.
Does washing your hair a lot favor your hair loss?
Experts deny a hair myth: washing your hair a lot does not favor its fall. The hairs that fall out are “old” hair, those that have concluded their life cycle so that washing does not affect their loss, there is nothing left to do.
What type of shampoo should be used?
You should use a mild and neutral shampoo that does not contain alcohol, fragrances or preservatives in its composition. This is necessary to avoid scalp irritation or even allergies. Those who have some pathology, such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis or alopecia, it is recommended to alternate the neutral shampoo with a specific treatment shampoo to treat the problem.
Cosmetic shampoos (for straight, curly or dyed hair) can be used both continuously and in combination.
What is the necessary dose?
The key to a good wash is in the dose of the product: it is enough to apply the measure of a hazelnut for short and medium hair, and a nut for long hair.
If you wash your hair daily just apply the product only at the roots since the shampoo already falls on medium and ends and it is not necessary to apply or rub thoroughly on the rest of the hair. A single application of shampoo is recommended.
The use of hair conditioner, yes or no?
In each wash you always have to use conditioner, and every 10 days approximately it is advisable to use a mask to deeply hydrate the hair. But you should never use the two products together; The mask should be a substitute for the conditioner. On the other hand, the mask can be left unclarified as long as it has only been applied on media and tips. At the roots it can alter the balance of the scalp so it is not advisable, nor can it be left on and out in the sun.
Should athletes wash their hair more frequently?
The answer is yes. Sweat gets dirty because the hair is after all a fiber, and as such absorbs environmental odors. Athletes or people who spend a lot of time in a kitchen or closed environments have to increase the frequency of washing.
How should I lighten my hair?
The rinse should last at least three minutes (if it is long it should last longer) and should be done with warm water. It is optimal to apply cold water at the end as it seals the cuticle, facilitates detangling and provides more shine.
In addition to avoiding washing your hair (with shampoo, it is understood) every day, there are other things to consider when trying to determine the correct amount of washing
- The type of skin: Experts explain that if your skin and hair are at some point within normal (you do not have super oily or very dry hair) at the time of drying, you probably only need to wash it once or twice a week, as indicated in a Columbia University research. Instead, if you have oily scalp, you probably need to wash your hair more frequently, 3 to 4 times.
- The texture of the hair: this point is very important because it affects how quickly the sebum acts from the roots to the length of your hair. Rough or curly hair slows the spread of sebum, so if you have this type of hair, you may only have to wash it once a week, Columbia experts explain. However, people with fine, straight hair probably need shampoo at least twice a week or even three.
- Use of treatments: the last factor encompasses all those treatments and products that you use (or not) daily or very frequently. In that case, and if your hair undergoes enough style changes or is damaged, experts recommend that you should wash it less frequently.
That said, probably the best way to find out which side your hair is based on these recommendations from experts is to try and wash days without them. No one better than you and common sense to know what is best for your hair.
Visit our place, our Barbers of Northcote will be happy to cut your hair every time you want to change your look. At Barbers of Northcote we provide a remarkable experience to all our clients.