One of the most common insects that often invade our homes are the annoying moths, some bugs with wings that sneak into the cupboards and cupboards to destroy everything they find there. The worst of the case is that not only destroy our clothing and eat our food, but also end up with the wood of doors, windows and furniture, becoming a real headache.
Fortunately, getting rid of them is not as difficult as some think, and this time, we decided to talk a little about these animals and give you some tips that will help you get them out of your life and your home once and for all.
Here at Brisbane Terminator we will provide you with the services you need to keep your building or house free from moths.
What are moths?
It is a type of insect belonging to the lepidopteran order, in which the butterflies are also found. This group is composed of a total of 180,000 species and only 10% corresponds to the diurnal butterflies, since the rest is made up of moths and nocturnal moths.
Perhaps you think of these little animals as simple butterflies, but, while they bear a huge resemblance, there are some characteristics that serve to differentiate one from the other. For example, moths tend to be more active during the night, while butterflies are more active during the day. In addition, the antennae of the moths can vary in shape (like feathers or ridges), while the butterflies usually have antennae in the form of thread and with small balls at their tips.
On the other hand, the body of a moth is more robust to the eye, like hairy, and its wings are usually thicker compared to those of the butterflies. Finally, the colour of the moths is opaque and not very colourful, although there are some exceptions to this rule.
What causes the appearance of moths?
Now that you have an idea of what moths are, you may be interested in knowing the causes of their appearance.
Well, generally, these animals love to settle between all kinds of cracks, so if your house is full of them, it is very likely that you experience an infestation because of these bugs. As a solution to this problem, you must take care to seal all the cracks, otherwise, the moths will expand and become a real plague.
Another factor that greatly influences the appearance of these insects is lighting. The rooms with low light and that also have cracks everywhere are the perfect place for the lodging of the moths, since these bugs are better developed in dark conditions.
Likewise, having plants with flowers inside homes can be another cause of an infestation, since some species usually feed on the nectar of flowers during a stage of their life, and an example of these are the so-called Miller moths.
What causes the appearance of moths?
Occasionally, moths often invade homes because of products that have been previously infested, as they may be hidden in the fabrics or in the foodstuffs. In this case, we are the ones who encourage their appearance and proliferation, even when there are no cracks in our walls, low lighting conditions or plants inside, because the introduction of these bugs to our homes is at our expense.
Are my clothes and wood in danger?
Fortunately, of all the species of moths that exist in the world, only a few feeds on fabrics and wood. However, it is very likely that these types of animals appear among our clothes if they have not been washed and have remained for a long time or in the cupboard drawers. In addition, moisture in the wood is attractive to these insects, who do not hesitate to use it as a hiding place.
Finally, these animals can also appear among books that are not cleaned or shaken frequently, since they accumulate dust particles and this is very attractive.
Types or species of moths
As we have said before, there are thousands of types or species of moths, but this time we will talk about the most common and problematic for human beings.
Case moth
They have been called that way because they are able to manufacture and drag their larvae that develop and feed thanks to the fabric of the clothing.
Clothing Weaving Moth
This species is characterised by feeding on fabrics such as wool, leather, and silk, and can kill the cabinets, beds, and equipment of infested houses if it is not detected and eliminated in time.
Carpet moth
These bugs are the most common in most homes and, as the name implies, they usually nest among the carpets, feeding on the fabric.
Moth of stored grains and herbage
This category includes many other species, among which are the wax moth and the lesser moth of bees. These insects feed on all kinds of grains and grasses that are stacked in pantries and other storage places.
Potato moth
This particular species usually attacks the herbaceous plants of great economic importance, and one of them is the potato. To make matters worse, these animals are able to finish not only with the plant, but also with the product already harvested, so they represent a huge threat to agriculture.
Moth of the books
Also called book louse, it is one of the most abundant and common moth species in homes. Most of the time, these insects attack books that have been stored for a long time, feeding on the dust and fungi that grow between their leaves.
Bite or sting of moths
Most moths are harmless to humans, they only bite wood and other materials that serve as food, and rarely attack people. However, while some of these insects feed on fruits and organic waste, there are certain specimens that prefer to feed on the blood of humans and other vertebrates. An example of this are the so-called vampire moths found in Siberia, which respond to the name of Calyptra and have the ability to suck fluids for more than 20 minutes.
Anyway, although these animals are practically harmless, some of them can attack us and leave us a small wound resulting from their bite, which although it is not very common, there is still a small probability of occurrence.
Contact us today for more information about our strategies to counterattack moths and other pests.