The moths are considered especially dangerous at the crop level, since they consume the nectar of the flowers, the sap of the plants and even the fruits of the same. However, they are not harmful to the health of human beings, unless it is the blood-sucking species.
However, there are some species whose scales on their wings can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people, although it is not an imminent risk or an extremely serious problem. However, there is a particular type of moth, known as the caterpillar of the flannel moth or cat’s moth, whose poisonous hairs can cause pain and rashes on the skin, and in more serious cases, can cause swelling, nausea and problems for the skin.
Finally, we must not forget that the existence of the moths represents a risk for our homes and for those who inhabit them, since, although they do not usually attack us, they tend to devastate the wood and the bases of the constructions, which can cause the structure weakens and ends up falling.
If you want to ensure your house is safe from bugs, cockroaches and other insects, contact Brisbane Terminator today.
How to eliminate moths
When it comes to exterminating these annoying bugs, there are different alternatives to which we can resort, but the most common forms of disinfection are physical and chemical. The first one is usually the best of both options, although its execution is not as easy as some people think, and it practically involves the methods of freezing, eliminating oxygen and using gamma rays.
As far as chemical methods are concerned, they are considered quite dangerous for health, so they must be used with great care, especially if it is pentachlorophenol, whose toxicity can affect people and the environment, making it essential to use face masks. carbon during its application in outdoor environments.
If you decide to use an insecticide in liquid format, it is important to have an injector that facilitates the application for each and every one of the holes, and finish with a brush or brush for a better distribution and absorption of the product.
On the other hand, if it is insecticides in solid format, these should be placed on the surface of the affected furniture and then covered with a hard plastic, so that it remains sealed for 15 days. Of course, the procedure must be carried out in an open space without any objects or garments inside.
After a year from the date of fumigation, it will be enough to inject a little insecticide in liquid format in the holes where the problem persists and the matter will be solved.
Home remedies to kill moths
If fumigation with chemical products and physical treatment are not the most appealing solution for you, you may be interested in trying some home remedies that we consider quite effective to eliminate these annoying bugs.
Bay oil
To protect your furniture from the attack of the moths, you can rub the wood with a little bit of laurel oil, since it works as a powerful repellent against these and other insects.
The truth is that it is an easy product to obtain, but if you do not have it at home, you can make your own with ground bay leaves and olive oil or jojoba. To do this, you must put the crushed leaves in a glass container and then fill it with enough oil so that they are barely covered. Then, you must leave the mixture at rest for at least a month and, after that time, you can use it to rub the wood of the furniture that has been infested by these insects.
Infusion of rosemary, thyme and mint
Spices not only serve to give flavour to our meals, but also work as natural repellents against pests, such is the case of rosemary, thyme and mint.
Well, if you want to benefit from its properties, you can make an infusion of dried leaves of these three herbs and, once it is at room temperature, you can place it in a container with spray and spray it on the areas affected by the moths. This remedy is also effective against other pests such as mosquitoes and spiders.
Lemon and orange peel
The aroma of citrus fruits is unbearable for most bugs, and moths are no exception. You can take some lemon and orange peels in sealed cloth bags, and then place them in the pockets of the clothes you have in the drawers and in the closet, not only serve as a natural repellent, but also leave your clothes with an exquisite to Rome.
More tricks to kill moths
If you have been able to prepare homemade remedies for lack of an ingredient, you can resort to these tricks that we have left you to help you finish the moths once and for all.
Naphthalene sachets are one of the oldest tricks to get rid of moths, like paradichlorobenzene and camphor. If you do not have naphthalene, you can replace it with grains of black pepper, dried mint leaves or sage, and even by flowers of lavender, just remember to deposit them in cloth bags so they are not watered over there or stain the clothes of your drawers.
Smell sticks
Like naphthalene, cloves are excellent to ward off pests, you just have to put some of them in the pockets of your garments and this will prevent them from ending up bored because of these animals.
Cedar oil
Cedar oil is especially useful for killing pests. Be sure to place it in a well-sealed container so it will not spill or stain your furniture or your clothing.
Well, now that you know everything you should about moths, you just have to choose the most appropriate method of extermination for you and follow our advice to end them at once.
If you want professionals to take care of this issue and forget about moths forever, you can contact Brisbane Terminator today and enjoy the services of truly skilled experts with many years of experience offering second to none services.