If you’ve ever had calluses on your feet, you’ll know how annoying they are. In this article you will discover different ways to alleviate the problems they generate and help fight them.
As we take care of the facial skin, for example, we should do the same with our feet. Otherwise, different signs of damage or carelessness appear. In this article you will know home remedies for calluses on the feet that can function as a complement to the treatment indicated by the professional.
Here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we’ll assist you in the selection of shoes for your daily routine.
Why do calluses on the feet appear?
Day by day tires our feet a lot. The use of heels, socks, lack of moisture, lack of exfoliation, footwear too tight and worn for many hours and perspiration are factors that can generate calluses.
Corns or calluses are formed in various areas of the feet, especially in the heels, on the side of the big or small toe, on the toes or on the sole of the foot. First, they are somewhat annoying and then, not receiving the corresponding attention, they become increasingly painful.
If you have ever had calluses on your feet, then you know that they are unbearable, they do not allow you to wear any shoes, you are uncomfortable all day and that shows in your mood, your productivity and even in your way of being.
If you have never had calluses, it is important that you take some preventive measures. For example, put on a protection in the area where the callus could be produced depending on the activity you do (as certain athletes do in their hands).
Consult a dermatologist before resorting to any type of callus treatment. In addition, also ask about the best prevention measures for your particular case.
Also check that your shoes are comfortable, that you are not too tight or too loose. If they are new, place a dressing where you know that blisters or calluses will come out and do not use them for many hours at a time.
It is also good that, when you return from work or arrive at your home, you take off your shoes and socks and put your feet in a bowl with warm water and herbs, such as chamomile (according to popular beliefs it is effective for this purpose, but there is no scientific evidence about it).
If you already have corns, make friends with the well-known pumice stone, but remember to use it with caution and a lot of respect so it doesn’t hurt you. Always try to use it when you leave the bathroom, since the skin is softer and more malleable.
You can also use a file to remove the roughness of the heels, the floor and the toes. Do not repeat this for more than three minutes in a row and at the end always apply a moisturiser. Remember to consult with the professional before using any of these alternatives.
Home remedies for calluses on the feet
In addition to using the pumice stone, you can follow other treatments, although sometimes the calluses are too deep or painful to be putting pressure on them. Pay attention to these home remedies that can complement (never replace) the dermatologist’s indications:
Recipe No. 1
½ onion
What should I do?
The following is a remedy based on popular recipes, but without too much scientific evidence. The use of onion has hardly been proven for the treatment of scars and, sometimes, for wrinkles.
Beliefs say that you can cut an onion in half and rub it slowly over the area affected by the callus. This should be repeated every night, before bedtime. You do not need to rinse. Try to make the onion juices penetrate the skin well. Put on socks and to bed.
Recipe No. 2 for corns
1 clove garlic.
1 tablespoon olive oil (15 ml).
What should I do?
On the effectiveness of this remedy, we must point out that garlic has several nutraceutical properties studied, but few have to do with the skin. Meanwhile, olive oil has several benefits for the skin, but none specifically related to calluses.
Anyway, the popular recipe indicates to crush the garlic clove with olive oil and cover the callus with the mixture. Then, cover with gauze, bandage or cloth and let it act overnight. Remove in the morning, without rinsing. Repeat every day until the callus disappears.
Recipe No. 3
1 handful of stems and nettle flowers.
1 tablespoon of water (15 ml).
What should I do?
Having this plant at home is an excellent idea, according to popular beliefs. Traditionally, it is recommended to take a handful and whisk together with the water in the blender. You will have a kind of paste, which you have to apply directly to the callus. Finally, cover with gauze or cloth and leave at least three hours before removing.
Recipe No. 4 for corns
1 handful of flowers and marigold leaves.
1 tablespoon of water (15 ml).
What should I do?
The procedure is the same as with the nettle. Apply every night before bed. It is not a scientifically proven treatment, as there is not enough evidence regarding this use of calendula.
Recipe No. 5
1 fig.
What should I do?
This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties and, at the same time, brings freshness and relief. Again, we will present a recipe not scientifically proven, but very popular in traditional medicine.
Cut a fig in half, extract the pulp and apply on the callus before bedtime. Cover with a bandage and put on socks so you don’t dirty the sheets. Let it work overnight and soak your feet in warm water in the morning. Then file with the pumice stone and finally apply a moisturiser.
Here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we can help you find the best option for you, we’ll assist you in the selection of shoes for your daily routine. Measuring your feet is the first step in order to make your new shoes fit accurately.