We are aware that many people, especially those who face plantar fasciitis for the first time, have many questions about orthopaedic inserts, how they can help your plantar fasciitis, how to choose the right option and when it is time to consider the option of wearing orthopaedic inserts.
So, without further delay, here is what you’ve always wanted to know about orthopaedic inserts.
Here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we can help you find the best option for you, we’ll assist you in the selection of shoes for your daily routine.
What are orthopaedic templates?
In a simple way, the orthopaedic inserts are inserts designed to stay inside the shoes to provide heel and foot support in order to modify the functional or structural aspects of the neuromusculoskeletal system. They can provide support, cushioning, prevent and relieve symptoms of a variety of conditions such as plantar fasciitis or tendinitis.
Many people choose removable inserts as an alternative to orthopaedic shoes. Not only are orthopaedic shoes quite expensive, they are also usually heavy and with limited design options.
Plantar fascitis and orthopaedic templates
One of the most common reasons that lead people to consider the use of orthopaedic inserts is Plantar Fasciitis. This condition, caused by stress, lack of support and damage to the plantar fascia (and the arch of the foot) can make walking and other activities very painful.
Orthopaedic inserts can be an important part in solving the problem, as they provide additional support by stabilizing the heel, supporting the arch of the foot, absorbing impacts, reducing pressure on the heel and cushioning inflamed ligaments.
When to consider the orthopaedic templates
Too many times, patients suffer pain beyond what they should, especially at the beginning, if the pain is intermittent or “does not hurt so much.” However, taking care of your health and dealing with these symptoms early is critical to not worsen and reduce healing time. You should be aware that when you suffer chronic pain in the feet or heels, you may develop discomfort in the hip, back or neck over time, since your body will tend to compensate your posture.
It is also a good time to consider orthopaedic inserts if you have not suffered pain before and practice high-impact sports such as running, basketball or football, if you have experienced weight gain (especially during pregnancy) and your feet face stress and additional impact, orthopaedic inserts are a good option in these cases.
Whether you have pain in your heels or feet recently, or have been suffering from chronic pain of plantar fasciitis, now is the right time to start healing and prevent symptoms from developing.
How to carry the orthopaedic templates
The first thing you should know about orthopaedic inserts is that you should wear them over the original inserts of your shoes (some custom orthoses require that you remove the original inserts). So simply slide the orthopaedic inserts inside the shoe so that it rests in a tight way with the area of the plantar arch.
The second thing you should know about wearing orthopaedic inserts is that shoes also matter. Make sure that the shoes you wear have a cushioned sole and hold the heel. The combination of bad shoes with good orthopaedic inserts is not good.
Thirdly, it may take some time to adapt. Start taking them a couple of hours the first day, a few more the second, and so on, until you take them permanently after a week.
How long do the orthopaedic inserts take to make effect?
The time it takes for orthopaedic inserts to take effect will depend on the type of product you buy, as well as the unique anatomy of your foot. With orthopaedic products many people have an immediate reduction in heel pain as soon as they start using them. Others feel a gradual decrease in pain, and can take the process up to two weeks.
If you have been using the inserts for more than two weeks and you do not notice improvement in heel pain, contact us and our specialists will help you identify potential size problems or if there is another product that may be more effective for your specific case.
Orthopaedic templates: a step in the right direction
Inrapiadefrio.com our goal is to help you have a speedy recovery and improve your quality of life. We are sure that our orthopaedic inserts will be a great change for you in the fight against Plantar Fasciitis. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied, we will refund your purchase money in full. There are several things you should keep in mind about buying orthopaedic inserts, but in the end the most important thing is that they are cost effective.
In athletes the inserts manage to increase performance and reduce fatigue. Runners, for example, benefit from a footbed that absorbs impact, achieves cushioning and accurately controls the function of the foot. An alteration in the support can affect other joints of the musculoskeletal system, such as the knee or hip. Incorrect supports in runners can cause injuries such as plantar fasciitis. A person with plantar fasciitis or heel pain will find great relief with inserts as they manage to distribute the pressures and discharge the painful point. In people who practice winter sports such as skiing, where the foot takes a special position for many hours in a very rigid boot, a suitable insole will avoid pain and help improve technique and stability.
Tailored inserts can be beneficial in people who spend many hours standing or walking, for work or daily activities. Individualized inserts help prevent the formation of Hallux Valgus (bunions). They prevent the formation of painful calluses by managing to distribute the plantar pressures.
In diabetics and the elderly, orthopaedic inserts are very helpful, control stability and reduce fatigue, achieve greater comfort and cushioning. Over the years, when reaching maturity, the plantar arch tends to sink so obtaining good support is very necessary. Those overweight will also benefit from the use of templates.
If custom inserts are necessary, they are manufactured based on the examination performed, the weight, type of footwear, physical activity and problem of each patient.
Bear in mind that here at Happy Feet Pedorthics we will help you feel comfortable wearing the right type of shoes according to the activities you do.