Electric-type fires are produced by overheating: For example: if we have a cable that is rated for a consumption of 15 amperes and we subject it to overconsumption of 25 amps. This will generate an overheating of the cable which when exposed to a combustible surface (wood, insulation) will cause a fire.
On other occasions the cables are at the mercy of rodents that remove their insulation or to “masters” who perform some carpentry or roofing work and pass them on to carry. Another way to produce an electrical fire is through faulty connections without proper insulation or without connection boxes. When the cables are in the ceiling a fire is not going to detect immediately, unfortunately we will only realise about the danger when we see the flames and it will be too late.
Definitely not. If you calculate the value of your home, your artefacts and mainly something invaluable as the life of your family, it is an obligation to incur this investment.
Generally, the houses and buildings older than 25 years, which had a single electrical circuit, because at that time the needs and available artefacts were minimal. Nowadays all the families in one way or another have the opportunity to access different appliances of the market and know that they are also being exposed. In short everyone is exposed; the important thing is to ensure and prevent.
The cables are designed to last for many years if they are installed correctly. The problem is when we exceed the consumption for which it was designed, or we use cables that are for pipelines (pipelines) in the open. Therefore, there is a suitable cable for every occasion.
Remember that here at FireCrunch we focus on providing high quality and sustainable fire resistant building boards for interior and exterior settings in both residential and commercial properties.
Causes of electrical fires
To prevent this type of accidents it is necessary to know the causes of the fires, and to be attentive to the indications:
If you notice that the dust accumulates in the power source, that is where a short circuit can occur. This generates sparks that are caused by the moisture and dust generated in the power source.
When several work teams are connected to a single source of energy, the available energy capacity is being abused, which can cause a short circuit or heating generating a fire.
When the cables that are connected are on top of others, an overheating can be generated that generates a fire if this is not ordered and solved. Similarly, if the cables are under heavy furniture you can damage them by breaking them and causing a short circuit in them. The causes of fires for this point are due to lack of order, cleanliness and therefore the cables are damaged and melt the protection of the cables.
These are some of the recommendations to prevent the generation of fires due to electrical appliances are the following:
- If it were to generate a fire do not despair of what is happening and quickly call the firefighters detailing the corresponding data clearly and with the location where it happened.
- Disconnect any source of energy or that generates heat, such as electric power and gas.
- If you believe that the fire is small and can be easily extinguished without risking your life, try it. If you notice that it is not possible, look for the fastest escape and call the corresponding people to put out the fire.
- If you notice that the fire cannot be controlled by you, it is advisable to leave the place where the fire is taking place, get away from that area and look for a safe place to take refuge. The most dangerous part of a fire is the smoke since it can cause the person to lose consciousness and leave us inside the fire.
- Flammable liquids are those that have fats or a component that is not 100% water, so do not try to put out a fire.
- If the fire is uncontrollable, the best thing you can do is save your life and leave behind those documents, or material objects that can be recovered.
- Close doors and windows as the smoke comes out.
- If children are found in the danger area, try to control them and keep them calm, as most of the time they panic when they see the situation and tend to stand still in one place or hide.
- If the place where it is is several floors, avoid using the elevators as they are automatically blocked when fires occur.
- If the smoke is dense, it is advisable to go down to the floor and exit in a crouched manner so as not to inhale. If you have a wet garment within reach, cover your nose and get out of the place as quickly as possible.
- If the only exit you had available to leave is blocked, go to a room close the door and put wet clothes on what you ask for help from there.
- Make a quick inspection of the electrical network of the home, building or company.
- Verify that the daily electricity consumption is being correct.
- It connects parallel extensions for energy-consuming appliances such as air conditioning, computers, or heating.
- Install a differential earthing circuit breaker.
The amount of heat energy produced by an electric current, depends directly on the square of the intensity of the current, the time it flows through the conductor and the resistance that opposes it to the passage of the current.
Here at Fire Crunch we pride ourselves in offering second to none fire rated ceiling panels at a competitive price. Contact us today for more information! Remember that here at FireCrunch we focus on providing high quality and sustainable fire-resistant building boards for interior and exterior settings in both residential and commercial properties, a great example are our fire rated ceiling panels that help prevent fires in buildings.