Drinking water is in itself a very beneficial gesture for our health. But how many times have we heard of alkaline water? This type of water is supposed to be less zacidic than tap water, and therefore should be better. Let’s check if it’s true.
When it comes to health, water is essential for our body, in fact, no other substance is so important. Drinking water is in itself a very beneficial gesture for our health. But how many times have we heard of alkaline water? This type of water is supposed to be less acidic than tap water, and therefore should be better. Let’s check if it’s true.
About alkaline water: alkaline water is rich in alkalizing compounds, including calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium and bicarbonate. Some people claim that a more alkaline diet – including the use of alkaline water – can help reduce the acidity of the body, and therefore lead to better health and fitness.
But now, before the question of whether it is worth buying this type of water to obtain its advantages or it is only a questionable trend, of course, everything depends. “Alkaline” has become a buzzword in health circles. But the idea that everyone needs to “alkalize” is somewhat excessive.
The concept with alkaline water is as follows: Tap water contains different dissolved elements that influence your pH level. Pure water has a pH level close to 7. Alkaline water has a pH higher than 7, so the idea is that to create a more alkaline balance in your body, we must drink water with a higher pH. But this is also not completely healthy, since each organism has a unique pH, and our bodies naturally do a fantastic job of keeping the pH of the blood within each respective threshold.
In addition, we must bear in mind that the total alkalinity of the body is not always a good thing. For example, if we suffer from kidney disease or are taking a medication that alters renal function, some of the minerals in alkaline water may begin to accumulate in our body. In this case, high alkalinity can lead to negative side effects.
Instead, among the possible benefits of alkaline water is the fact that it could improve our intestinal health by offering additional disinfectant properties, which helps in the protection of dangerous microorganisms.
On the other hand, if there is a group that can benefit from drinking alkaline water, it is the one formed by athletes. This is because intense exercise stimulates the muscles to produce more hydrogen ions that can be removed efficiently. Therefore, it increases acidity and fatigue. Drinking alkaline water can improve the body’s buffering capacity and temper acidity, which improves our performance.
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The importance of drinking alkaline water
Water consumption in our life is extremely important. Even more taking into account that water forms approximately 60% of our body. Nowadays, water is not only talked about as such, but the topic has been expanding to separate itself from other concepts such as distilled, purified, mineral, hard water, etc. This time we will talk about what alkaline water is.
What is alkaline water?
Sounds a bit complicated at first, don’t you think? But in reality, it is much simpler than you imagine. For this we are going to talk a little about chemistry, have you heard the term pH? Perhaps you have been told about this regarding how the pH of the skin makes certain perfumes and creams smell and act differently in each person.
Actually, the pH refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH = hydrogen potential). The higher this amount, the more acidic the substance is, such as lemons, coffee and gastric juices from our stomach.
The pH is handled on a scale of 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acidic and 14 the most basic or alkaline. The midpoint, that is 7, refers to a neutral pH, that is to say it has the same amount of hydrogen ions (H +) as hydroxide (OH-). But enough of chemistry, let’s go back to the water.
Image result for ph. scale
Pure water has a neutral pH in its natural state. Therefore, alkaline water is one that has a pH above 7.5. This is achieved by increasing the level of alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium. Making water richer in oxygen, which translates as healthier water for your body.
Benefits of drinking alkaline water
The differences between alkaline water and pure water go beyond a simple change in ph. Its effect on the body is also different. Alkaline water has the following benefits for our health:
- It helps to neutralise and eliminate waste, toxins and acids that are produced in our body.
- Provides better hydration.
- It improves the oxygenation of the cells.
- Avoid liquid retention.
- Provides minerals necessary for the proper functioning of our body.
In conclusion, it is important that we drink alkaline water to help maintain the acid / alkaline balance of the body. This will help us to have a better performance and lead a healthier life.
Alkaline water can be obtained through homemade methods or using ionizers; which may or may not be electric. Soon companies will give you the solution through an alkaline water purifier that will simplify this process for your life and bring you all the benefits that your body needs.
If you are thinking of a place where you can buy it, at Dr. Willard we have the best selection. You will be able to completely change your life and make sure your skin and hair look radiant and healthy. Contact us now if you want more information about our line of products and the benefits of using them, they will completely change your life.