The sale of a house is an operation of a certain size and complexity that requires a series of mandatory procedures if we do not want to have scares in the future and receive claims for damages or penalties for unpaid taxes.
To be able to sell a home, you need to present certain documents. Some of these “papers” are necessary and mandatory in any municipality. Others will depend on the autonomous community where the house is located.
The decision to sell a property is never easy, and even less so if you choose to sell a home without real estate, with the main objective of saving money.
The doubts and worries about the steps to follow so that everything goes well and so that we do not have problems neither during nor after the sale, are really many: at what price could we sell our house? How would we have to prepare it for them? Would you like all the potential buyers? What marketing actions should we do to announce it? What bureaucratic procedures are necessary? Who is going to carry out these procedures? What type of contract will we use to make a reservation or a deposit contract?, etc.
Here at Conveyancing in Melbourne you will find the cheapest conveyancing in Melbourne to ensure success of your transfers. We will be able to help you achieve your goals and sell your house the way you expect to.
Documents to prove ownership of the house
When selling a property, it is necessary to present the documents that show that you are the owner of that property.
Title of property or Deed of the house
The main document where the current owner of the dwelling cites. This document is formalised in the purchase and is registered in the Land Registry of the place where the house is located.
Identification document
To make the sale of the house, you must present an official identity document, such as the DNI, to show that you are the owner of the house.
Documents to prove being up to date with housing payments
Simple note
The simple note, which we can obtain in the Property Registry, certifies the name of the owner, and also includes a lot of other information about the property: description of the property, if it is free of charges, mortgages, urban problems, possible uses of the property, etc. At this point, discrepancies may arise if the owner’s identity does not match the seller’s (the home is the result of an inheritance or the owner resides abroad)
Tax on Real Estate
At the time of selling the house, the last paid receipt of the Real Estate Tax must be presented, a tax levied on the ownership of the property. Keep in mind that when a home is sold, the IBI must be paid by the owner of the property on January 1. In the sale operation, the notary can even request the last 5 receipts paid.
Certificate of being free of payment in the community of owners
If the house is located in a community of owners, a certificate must be presented to the farm administrator where it indicates that there is no community fee pending payment. This document must be duly signed by the Administrator-Secretary, giving its approval to the President of the community.
Certificate of outstanding debt and Registration Cancellation
If a mortgage loan weighs on the home, we must have the Pending Debt Certificate, which specifies the amount owed at the time of the transfer of the home. And in the event that there is no mortgage or is paid before the sale operation, the Simple Note should indicate that the property is free of charges.
Other documents required and in many cases obligatory
Statutes of the community of owners
In the case of having a community of owners, the buyer is also usually presented with a copy of the community statutes, information of interest about the community (approved spills, community norms, contact numbers, etc.) and even the previous community minutes. In this sense, according to the law, the payment of the spills for improvements corresponds to whoever owns the home at the time they are required, unless otherwise indicated in the purchase agreement.
Certificate of Technical Inspection of the Building
In housing located in old buildings, this document certifies that the building is in good condition or on the contrary it has deficiencies or is pending to carry out some maintenance work.
Certificate of occupancy
In some cases, it is necessary to present the certificate of occupancy or first or second occupation license to be able to sell the house. This document is granted by the City Council after checking the habitability of your home, taking into account aspects such as health, hygiene and solidity, after the completion of the work or a structural reform. To obtain it, a technical report by a professional technician is necessary.
Housing plans and information on facilities
Although they are not compulsory documents to be able to make the sale of a house, to deliver to the future owner of the house a copy of the plans, information about the electrical installations, water or gas, or even manuals of instructions and guarantees of equipment of the house as air conditioners, heating or domotic installations. In this way, in addition to generating confidence to the possible buyer to formalise an operation as large as the purchase of a home, the future owner will have useful information to make possible reforms or modifications. It is also advisable to provide the latest invoices paid for supplies, and thus avoid misunderstandings after performing the operation.
As we can see, there are many procedures and documentation necessary to sell a house, so consulting a real estate expert to advise you on these documents can speed up the operation and ensure that it is carried out with all legal guarantees.
Completing a successful transaction that involves a building or any good you have and you want to sell. However, it is always good to prevent ourselves from any situation. If you want to see more tips or property conveyancing in Melbourne, visit our website.