Today, patients who come to our dental clinic not only want the treatment they undergo to restore the health or functionality of their mouth. In addition, they want the procedure to provide maximum aesthetics. To meet this need, Dentistry has a specialty that has advanced a lot in recent years: Dental Aesthetics.
Aesthetik is one of the most suitable options in terms of quality service, cost efficiency and professionalism. Contact us today for more information.
What is Dental Aesthetics?
Dental Aesthetics is the specialty within Dentistry that aims to improve the teeth of the person and, with it, their physical appearance. Anyone can undergo these treatments. However, it is important that one condition is met: that the mouth is healthy.
That is, if the patient has, for example, a caries or periodontal disease (gingivitis or periodontitis) it is necessary to solve this problem and then undergo the aesthetic procedure.
The most demanded treatments of the specialty of Dental Aesthetics are veneers (porcelain or composite), whitening, gingivectomy and reconstructions
Dental Aesthetic Treatments
To meet their aesthetic goals, these types of treatments must be customized according to each patient. In this way, we will ensure that we are proposing you and offering the solution that best suits your needs.
That is, if the case involves the correction of several teeth, the first thing we do in our dental clinic is to carry out a facial analysis of the person we are going to treat.
In this way, we will study its features, measures and proportions. Once this step is taken, we will make the design of the smile, taking into account aspects such as the position, colour, shape and size of the teeth.
With this, we can determine the details of the procedure we are going to perform. That said, we will detail the treatments that are carried out in the specialty of Dental Aesthetics:
Veneers are composite or porcelain sheets that are placed on the visible side of the tooth to improve aspects such as position, colour, size or shape. To cite only a few examples, veneers allow the correction of separate teeth (dystemas), crooked, broken, small or yellowish in colour.
The main advantage of aesthetic veneers is that the process from when the patient decides to wear them until they are made and placed is fast. For example, in our clinic the term we give is three weeks for composite veneers and one month for porcelain veneers.
Whitening makes it possible to clarify the color of the teeth that have lost their natural white, whether due to the logical passage of time, the consumption of tobacco or the use of tetracyclines.
Like veneers, whitening is also a treatment with which results are obtained quickly. But, in addition, very remarkable changes are achieved in the smile. The teeth whitening that we carry out in our clinic has a total duration of one month.
This consists of a cold light lamp session and splints with whitening gel that the patient is placed every night at home (15 days before and 15 days after the lamp session).
The aesthetic reconfigured gingival or gingivectomy is a small surgery that is performed under local anaesthesia. It consists in reducing the amount of gum so that it has a harmonious and proportionate size.
The operation is minimally invasive and is very predictable, so the postoperative should not present complications.
Reconstructions can be carried out for health reasons, that is, due to decay or fractures, or for aesthetic reasons. With regard to aesthetic motivations, reconstruction is usually done when you have two slightly separated teeth or you want to make slight modifications in the shape of a tooth.
To solve the small defect that the patient has, composite is used. Since there are different types of this material, in our clinic we use a very aesthetic and high quality composite. This is because not all composites offer the same results and for this type of reconstruction – especially those that are performed in the anterior sector of the mouth – we need those that offer a greater range of shades.
In this way, the material will blend well with the enamel and we will get a very natural result. That is, the composite of the original enamel will not be distinguished.
In this specialty of Dentistry, what we call aesthetic orthodontics is gaining more and more ground, which includes all those methods that correct the problems of alignment and bite of the teeth in a discreet way.
Within this type of orthodontics, the aesthetic options can be based on brackets or be without brackets (Invisalign aligners). With regard to brackets, the former is characterized by being sapphire crystal, which means that they are transparent.
On the other hand, the seconds are placed on the inner face of the tooth, which makes them totally invisible before the eyes of others.
In regards to Invisalign, this system is based on transparent aligners that are virtually imperceptible.
Outside of this type of methods we would find the classic metal brackets, which, although they are as effective as the previous ones, would not fall within the so-called aesthetic orthodontics since they are very “visible”.
Who are these aesthetic dental treatments for?
As we have already advanced, this area of Dentistry is possibly the most evolved of all.
And, in addition, it is one of the most demanded specialties currently. While it is true that a few years ago these types of treatments were known because famous people submitted to them, today they are available to the general public.
In addition, in the past, almost all of the patients in this specialty were women.
However, we can say that currently in our dental clinic there are also a large number of men who are interested in these aesthetic dental treatments. Importance of Dental Aesthetics
While it is true that the objectives of this specialty – such and as its name suggests – are aesthetic, it is no less true that for many people these treatments have a great impact on their lives.
That is, in many cases the image is not a purely superficial aspect. There are too many occasions in which a smile that is not of the patient’s taste conditions his personal life and his self-confidence.
We see this every day in our patients. Before their treatments, many of them are complex people who do not dare to smile or do so with concealment. However, when they finish it and see their new smile, they recover a confidence and self-esteem that, in many cases, they had lost years ago.
Contact us today at Aesthetik, a clinic provides second to none dental veneers in Melbourne with the best shape for your face, paying a lot of attention to all the factors that affect this choice such as: the tooth’s colour, its shape, the type of material used and the way you want it to look.