Regular and precise maintenance of your aquarium and or fish tank plays a pivotal role in the life expectancy of your fish. By effectively cleaning, you create the correct environment for your aquatic species e.g. fish, plants, corals, invertebrates, anemones. You also need to maintain correct water quality levels, something like this will help to reduce diseases, fish loss, algae and other water quality related problems. Finally, it will prolong the life and efficiency of your aquarium equipment. Here at Guppy’s Aquarium we take pride in explaining to all our clients in great depth, the most optimal cleaning procedures to ensure you and your fish are happy. Marine aquarium supplies for cleaning tanks, tend to whistle in the ear of clients as expensive, first-class services for maintaining any coral or fish species. However here at Guppy’s Aquarium Warehouse we provide state of the art marine aquarium supplies at equitable prices, so you won’t have to dig deep into your wallet. From marine saltwater tanks to freshwater tanks our diversity and exceptional knowledge is displayed, regarding marine aquarium supplies. We also encourage our clients to pop into our office to discuss about their potential purchase. We will enlighten you and guide you towards a suitable choice that will suit your needs.
Looking more into the cleaning aspect, there are plentiful products that can aid with it. These include good quality filters, gravel cleaners, algae magnets, glass cleaners, scrapers, sponges and tongs. Additionally, you can utilise brushes for cleaning your filters and pumps. Finally, a more sophisticated way of cleaning is with water treatments, that help in maintaining the tank water, these can include and are not limited to water clarifiers, ammonia & waste removers, algae treatment, snail rid and more. So, once you are equipped with all the necessary apparatus for the cleaning job, lets dive into how to clean effectively.
Ensure you know when to start cleaning. A little algae is good you should only commence cleaning once the tank is very dirty. Start by giving the glass a good cleaning on the inside with an algae pad. Here at Guppy’s Aquarium we administer the utmost finest cleaning pads on the market. Buy algae pads at Guppy’s Warehouse instead of the housewares department of a regular store. Although they may look the same, the housewares pads can have soap or chemical residue. That residue doesn’t matter if you are cleaning your kitchen sink, but it can be lethal to your fish. If there is any final and stubborn algae, utilise a metallic scrubber or a razor blade. Ensure that safety precautions are taken at all times!
Moving onto the cleaning of the rocks. Once the inside glass is clean as explained above, remove rocks, artificial plants, or decorations that have significant algae growth, or are noticeably dirty. It is very important you do not clean them with soap or detergents. It is increasingly difficult to completely remove soap from a surface, and even a trace of soap can be lethal to fish. Usually, a good scrub with an algae scraper will remove the algae and dirt from rocks and plants, leaving them in perfect condition.
Pro Tip: Live plants can be bleached. However, stem plants are not tolerant of bleaching. To bleach live plants, prepare a 5 percent bleach solution, soak the plants for two to three minutes, then rinse well.
Next in line we have the gravel. By using a water siphon to vacuum away the debris, this is the most optimal way of removing grit and debris from the gravel. There are several types of siphons available, all of which work essentially the same. Consider the Aqua-one Vac-a-tank Gravel Cleaner 24″ because its high flow eradicates grit from gravel.
Once the inside of the aquarium is cleaned, clean the hood, light, tank top, and outside glass. Regular glass cleaners contain ammonia (NH3), which is toxic to fish. Standard lime cleaners are even more toxic. It is strongly recommended that you use vinegar or cleaners designated as aquarium safe, such as the ones offered in our online store you can chose from.
Once you’ve gotten your tank in shape, ensure you clean it on an on-going basis. This way it never needs a major spring-cleaning session again. Scrape the glass weekly, vacuum the gravel every time you perform a water change and clean any rocks or plants as soon as you see debris or algae on them. Additionally, clean the filter monthly, either by replacing the media or rinsing it.
Our expert team will assist you with choosing the most suitable fish tank cleaning products to suit your tank, explaining all the cleaning patterns and necessary maintenance. it is vital to understand these procedures, in order to extract the most out of your little friend and ensure that its health is in perfect condition. With commitment and constant upgrading of our immaculate range of products, we are proud to be highlighted as Australia’s leading aquarium product distributor. Not only can you visit our warehouse, but you can indulge in our products with just a few clicks. Our new and improved online store is now available for you to browse. If you are searching for live aquarium plants online, do not hesitate to contact the best!