Not all workshops perform an oil change in conditions. We explain some details that make the difference.
It is reputed to be a very simple operation, but its importance requires that the professional who performs it does not lower his guard at any time. We refer to the change of engine oil, which must be carried out periodically to keep the car ready. In addition, it must be carried out meticulously if we want to avoid breakdowns.
The lubricant is essential for many parts of the vehicle to fulfil its function correctly. Therefore, if its replacement is not done properly, there are many components that are at stake. This is the reason why you shouldn’t skimp on taking your car to change the oil. Going to a properly equipped workshop with specially trained personnel to perform this operation will save you disgust in the form of serious breakdowns.
Think about it: How much can you save by making an oil change in an establishment that does not give you good spine and with a cheap lubricant if you compare it with a visit to a trusted workshop that will use the best products? It’s not that much money either, right? What if you compare that amount with the bill for repairing a damaged particle filter or turbocharger for not having changed the lubricant correctly? It does not go to account, why not?
Here at Alpha Mobile Mechanics you are also part of the team, so we explain every detail related to the process and keep you aware of the way we complete this process.
Details that make the difference
Changing the oil does not consist of raising the car to an elevator, unscrewing a plug, filling lubricant and finishing quickly. There are some details that make the difference between a job well done and a fudge to lower costs.
– Oil and filter must be adequate: a professional will always check the maintenance book of the vehicle engine manufacturer. There you will know how to identify the keys on the standards that the oil must meet and how many kilometres must be replaced. By the way, the filter is not a trash retainer: if you want your engine to last, you have to change the lubricant and the filter at the same time so that it perfectly fulfils its function. Be suspicious if they give you a choice to lower the bill
– You have to drain the oil completely: your car must be on a completely flat surface and the change must be made with the hot engine. They are two habits that allow the old lubricant to be completely emptied. This prevents it from mixing with the new and brings impurities.
– Cleaning first of all: the engine should look like gold jets during this operation. For example, it is necessary to clean the place where the new filter will be placed once the used one is removed to extend its useful life to the maximum. It is also necessary to remove dirt from the drain plug of the crankcase and the engine if some oil is poured when refilling.
– Patience is essential: the professional who changes the oil in your car must devote to this job the time necessary to completely empty the old lubricant. You should also be careful when placing the filter and drain plug so as not to force your threads.
– The oil is not thrown anywhere: a properly established workshop will always be arranged with an authorized waste manager who will give a good account of the used lubricant and avoid irreparable damage to the environment.
Professionalism first
These are just some of the precautions that professional workshops take into account when changing the oil in your car and that make a difference with those that are not. Therefore, do not hesitate to always go to a legally established trust establishment.
For example, a good option is the workshops of the best vehicle repairs, which have adequate facilities to perform this operation with absolute guarantee and specifically trained personnel to recommend the most suitable oil change package for your car and your vehicle profile. driving. In addition, they always use quality products that make your vehicle feel like a glove so you can ensure maximum engine protection.
Car maintenance: How and when to change the lubricating oil correctly
Remember: how long have you not checked your car’s oil level? It is a simple operation that you must do before making a trip and with the appropriate frequency (depending on how much you use the car) to check that the levels are correct.
Oil change and filter, important for your car
What is the secret of the lubricating oil? Its formulation is designed not only to achieve the best engine performance, but also to extend its life. In short, preserving the health of your car’s engine goes through, among other things, by checking the oil. In case of neglecting this aspect and circulating with the oil above or below the recommended level, or with an aged lubricant (which will have lost, therefore its properties and will not be fulfilling its function properly) you can end up suffering breakdowns and serious engine problems, premature wear, friction, overheating, corrosion-
It is important to use the recommended type of oil: if your car requires a synthetic oil, it is a serious mistake to refill it with another type of oil or mix several oils. These maintenance errors are expensive: with problems and engine failures that can be avoided if we give you what you need.
Do not forget the oil filter
On the other hand, remember that the oil filter is as important as the lubricant itself: replace the oil filter with each oil change, since, otherwise, the dirt and debris you have can reach the new oil, compromising its effectiveness
As for the use of additives, once again, the priority is clear: use a good quality oil and the right type for your vehicle. If you are in doubt, you already know where to get the right lubricant and change your car’s oil filter.
Here at Alpha Mobile Mechanics you are also part of the team, so we explain every detail related to the process and keep you aware of the way we complete this process.