For some time now, the air conditioner, or its more advanced version known as an air conditioner, has been equipped in cars. In fact, today, it is almost unthinkable a car that does not have this technology whose function is to cool and maintain an optimal temperature in the cabin. How does this system work and how much do you spend? Will we save more fuel if we open the windows? We analyse it.
Although the air conditioning of the car has been evolving and improving over the years, now this air conditioning technology is more advanced and accurate and even allows you to adjust the temperature by zones, its principle Basic remains the same: take hot air, cool it and put it in the cabin.
And this process requires energy consumption. These systems perform a job (with friction, resistance, losses) and they have no choice but to consume energy for it. In the case of the car, this consumption translates into fuel expenditure (gasoline or diesel) if it operates with a thermal engine, or electricity or gas in other types of mechanics.
Keep your car in excellent conditions, here at JB Prestige Euro Automotive Service we take pride in providing the best services for European cars in our area.
Does the air conditioner increase fuel consumption?
The first doubt that drivers have is whether the air conditioner affects engine power and fuel consumption. To understand a little, the gas compressor responsible for cooling needs to use the engine power for its drive and, consequently, also uses fuel. The interference varies according to the type of compressor used by the vehicle. So there is extra fuel consumption in the use of air conditioning. On the contrary, the use of hot air does not represent any impact on fuel consumption or vehicle power.
The ideal temperature
The ideal thermal sensation in humans varies between 21º and 26º degrees Celsius. When a car is parked and exposed to the sun, it can reach a temperature of 70º to 85º degrees. Under these conditions, it is advisable to open the doors, start the car and exit. We must wait a few minutes until the harmful gases leave the interior; then it is suggested to position the ventilation selector at its maximum level with direction to the front and towards the feet, not towards the face, and then turn on the air conditioning. It is advisable to roll with the vehicle for a few minutes in these conditions and with the glass below, until the hot air has circulated and completely exited.
Beware of the gases that are generated
It is very important to know that a vehicle in the shade accumulates 400-800mg of benzene, if a car is exposed to the sun, with only 16 degrees Celsius, it accumulates more than 4,000 mg of benzene and that is already more than 40 times the recommended levels for health. Now, let’s imagine a car that is in a hot region where the temperature is 30 degrees or more, in those conditions the temperature inside the closed car easily exceeds twice what the thermometer would mark outside.
Benzene is a very dangerous toxin for any human being, especially for young children or pets that we transport in the car. Benzene exposure may increase the risk of leukemia and other blood diseases.
What is “air recirculation” and what is it for?
There is an important button on the panel that most do not understand its function, nor pay much attention to it, and it is the recirculation of the air. This prevents outside air from entering the car. We act when we pass through places with bad odors or also when we are behind a truck that throws a lot of smoke. But leaving this system on all the time is not good. As the air becomes stale and with little oxygen. Use this system only when strictly necessary. It should also be used in the first moments of ignition, until it reaches a pleasant level for the passenger, at that time it must be turned off to allow the entry of external air.
The air conditioner removes moisture from the air by staying with the recirculation button on; The internal air circulates several times inside the system and is getting drier and colder. Ever, you will have felt burning and tearing in the eyes and also a dry cough, this is precisely what causes the air conditioning, when external air is not allowed to enter. With the circulation of external air, the air is renewed and maintains relative humidity at more comfortable levels. Therefore, the suggestion is only in necessary cases to activate the air recirculation button.
Why are there bad smells when turning on the air conditioning?
The system can accumulate fungi in the air box and pipes, mainly in periods of rain, due to the condensed water in these spaces or the breathing plugging. This may be the cause of bad smells. To avoid this, in the event that there is clogging, it is advisable to verify the operation of the breathing of the air box during vehicle inspections. In cold climates, where the use of air conditioning is not necessary, it is advisable to turn on the cooling system 5 to 10 minutes per week. When the air is not used, there is a good chance of losing the refrigerant gas, which usually happens in used vehicles that are several years old.
Every six months it is recommended to perform an air service to check the hoses, the gas pressure and also the filter, since when it is very dirty, it is more harm than good.
From now on, then, we already know that the use of air conditioning causes greater fuel consumption; that we should not enter and start when the car has been exposed to the sun, because toxic gases will enter our body; that the air recirculation button should only be used for short periods, and that, in cool times, it is best to activate the air so as not to lose gas.
Keep your car in excellent conditions, here at JB Prestige Euro Automotive Service we take pride in providing the best services for European cars in our area.