The spring season is finally upon us, and the colder months are gone. For a lot of us, this means that there will be spring cleaning to be done. What is spring cleaning though? Spring cleaning is done to clean the entire house and office to get rid of the dust and other impurities. Moreover, since the winters just went, we will be required to keep all our clothes along with other items inside. Spring cleaning Melbourne can help with all these things. If you want to keep your house clean and dust-free, here are the top 10 tips for spring cleaning for the season.
#1 Make a schedule
You should have a proper scope of the work to be done. What areas of the house require most of the work? What are the areas where you can skip the routine cleaning? By figuring these out, the work of spring cleaning Melbourne will be quite simple. Moreover, by having a proper plan, you will be able to tackle every place and stay focused on the task at hand.
#2 Declutter first
Before you start your spring cleaning process, you should take some time out to declutter your house. Gather all the items that are unnecessary, old, broken, or unwanted. These can include clothes, books, bed linen, toys, furniture, and ornaments. You should also sort these items into ones that can be recycled and ones that can be given to charity. By doing this, you can make your house clean without actually starting with spring cleaning. So, take some time out every six months and declutter your house.
Decluttering also has some psychological influences. It helps in signalling your brain that the work isn’t complete. By simply eliminating the unnecessary stress of having useless items, you can feel fresh and clean efficiently.
#3 Prepare your kit
Before you get yourself dirty and start the cleaning process, you should ensure that all the cleaning supplies are available. You can consult spring cleaning Melbourne for preparing a kit. All the essentials such as cloths, rubber gloves, brushes, sponges, bleach, furniture cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, paper towels, and bin bags. If you prepare a kit before you start cleaning, you won’t have to run to the store every time you need something.
#4 Work from the top to bottom
When you start with spring cleaning Melbourne, you should start from the ceilings and then go down from there. When you clean the tops first, you will force the debris and dust downward. Therefore, instead of cleaning that again, you can simply take it when you clean the bottom. You won’t be required to re-dust or re-clean. Moreover, with the use of a vacuum, you can get rid of all the dust and cobwebs on the ceiling and fans. After you are done with the tops, you can move onto the bottoms and clean your furniture and other such items and then the floor. You can save a lot of time going from the top to the bottom.
#5 Leave windows for a cloudy day
You should wait for a cloudy day during your spring cleaning Melbourne process. This will help you in washing your windows, and with sunlight, the windows can dry quickly as well. You can save your efforts and time by simply being patient to clean your windows.
#6 Remember the fridge
Make sure you clean your fridge and freezer before you go for grocery shopping. This is when the number of items in the fridge will be minimum. Take all the items out of the fridge and get rid of the items which are spoilt or expired. Also, check for the items that were supposed to be used by a particular date. Once you are done with discarding the unnecessary items, you should wipe the interior of the fridge with the help of a disinfectant and damp cloth. Then defrost the fridge and repeat the step.
#7 Think green while spring cleaning
Do not expose yourself to unnecessary chemicals and toxins while doing spring cleaning Melbourne. You can use a steam cleaner to clean your kitchen, appliances, as well as outdoor areas. These steam cleaners are 100 percent natural. However, not everything can be cleaned with a steam cleaner.
#8 Don’t forget about the air
While spring cleaning Melbourne, you can replace the filters to keep the environment healthy. The new filters will catch the dust particles effectively and ensure that you breathe clean and healthy air all the time.
#9 Clean the curtains and blinds
While spring cleaning Melbourne, curtains and blinds are the most neglected places. These can collect a considerable amount of dust particles and dirt. Moreover, curtains attract mosquitoes. Some of the curtains can be machine washed while others need to be dry cleaned. You can check the label of the curtain for instructions. You can also use a vacuum as a temporary option to get the dust particles off the curtains. If there are blinds, you can use a dry cloth to clean them properly.
#10 Let spring cleaning set a new tone
If you feel that your house feels dark and heavy, you should consider making small changes to the place which can make it fresh and light for the spring season. You can add new and colourful pillows or replace the bedding, table linens, or even get new curtains. Spring cleaning Melbourne is the perfect time of the year when you can make some changes to the house and make it look new and cleaner.
You can carry out the cleaning process yourself or hire someone professional to ensure that everything is done properly. Either way, the cleaning should be done in such a way that the house looks new and fresh. Clean and Clean Australia is a Melbourne based professional cleaning agency that has been in the industry for more than 20 years. You can opt for Clean and Clean Australia for spring cleaning Melbourne to ensure that everything is done properly and professionally. Give a new and cleaner look to your house this time of the year!