When we buy a carpet, the range of options can overwhelm us. Most of the time we have set the size, but not the colour, the material or the design. However, they are very important factors regarding the composition that we want our home to have.
And not only influence the decoration. Thermal comfort and amplitude perception can change with a carpet. Hence, we give weight to the choice of tone. Do I choose a dark carpet or a light carpet? It depends, but we help you. Today we help you choose.
Knox Carpets is a business dedicated to providing carpets and flooring of a second to none quality and improve cosiness and decoration in your house or building. Contact us today for more information about our carpets.
What is the purpose of the carpet?
One of the key points when buying a carpet is knowing what the purpose of the purchase is. Shelter the house? Have a playground for the little ones? Isolate my feet from the cold ground? According to our objective, we will choose one tone or another.
What is a light carpet for?
Starting with the light carpets, which do not have to be white. Grey and light pink, pastel colours, yellow with little force and even red and blue little marked would enter this line.
Light carpets have several properties to take into account: they provide light, spaciousness and purity, but also cold and dirt sensation at the slightest stain. Let’s see point by point.
On the one hand, light carpets bring light. When the light reaches a light carpet, it bounces against it and illuminates the room. For example, in a home whose only point of light against the ground (such as a basement) needs a white carpet that redirects the light to the ceiling.
In addition, a light carpet gives breadth. Reason why they are used a lot in small rooms, narrow aisles and recesses when it comes to expanding them. As in the case of lack of light, ceilings and walls in equally light colours are recommended, as well as a mirror that helps light to flow through the house.
In contrast, light carpets can feel cold. This property is very useful in homes located in the south of Spain, accustomed to heat and spicy sun, but not to be recommended in the north (although more light is needed, it is a colder climate).
In houses with a lot of sun, especially the summer sun of dry climates, a trick is to place a white carpet under the point of natural light. It will reflect much of the heat instead of transmitting it to the ground.
Another possible against is that a light carpet is less suffered than another of more neutral tones. That is, the minimum dirt gives the feeling of needing a cleaning. Therefore, they give more work than dark carpets or intermediate tones.
Light carpets are recommended, in general, in those houses with low light where natural light points cannot be expanded, in small houses and in homes that dissipate heat very poorly.
What is a dark carpet for?
Dark carpets usually give the opposite properties to light ones: they are much warmer, they eat part of the light and give the feeling of narrowness. In addition, they are more suffered in terms of stains. Let’s see some examples.
Think of a house with too much light. It may seem weird, but if we have a study or office where we work and read, we should moderate the level of light to avoid headaches. Another frequent use is in homes where a lot of cinema is seen (for which darker tones are preferred). A dark carpet fits perfectly in both cases, swallowing part of the light.
However, it is a double-edged sword because a dark carpet will give more heat to the environment. Unlike the light carpet, it will be the perfect complement for our floor to retain more heat during the day.
Together with which dark tones tend to narrow the rooms, it can generate an oppressive environment. Ideal in cold climates that require the warmth of a small and warm room, but not as comfortable in warm places.
A dark carpet has in favour that stains can be imperceptible unless one approaches. We will not have to work hard to remove the coffee stain if we drop a cup. However, coffee is not the only factor to consider.
What your children and pet have to say about the colour of the carpet?
Something little taken into account by the buyers is the age and activities of the children, as well as the combination of pet and carpet.
Starting with the latter, the ideal is a carpet in which the hairs are not noticeable. That is, the same tone and colour as the hair of our animal. No one likes to have to walk removing dog hairs every time guests arrive, just to have to do it within a few days.
The same thing happens with children. Although they do not leave hairs (at least not all) they do stain the floors quite a bit. In addition, they usually play on carpets. Hence it is recommended to look for tones that are neither too light nor too dark. Grey, brown, or carpets of many colours will be perfect so that the spots are camouflaged.
Choosing a rug is complicated, but we hope we have made it easier. At least as far as the light tone or dark tone is concerned. Starting with the goal of the carpet, and continuing with the peculiarities of the house, we have given some brushstrokes on the subject to be able to choose knowing what we are looking for.
With proper care you will lengthen your carpet’s life. Knox Carpets is a business dedicated to providing carpets and flooring of a second to none quality and improve cosiness and decoration in your house or building.