Cricket is a very unknown sport in our country, so today we decide to tell you a bit about playing cricket, its rules, positions and some technical details that we hope you like it. So, let’s go there!
Cricket is a sport that originated in England and is currently widespread in Asia as we have told you in previous posts of this blog. For those of you who are not experts, it may seem a little complicated, but once you understand it, it is even simpler than football or basketball.
If you want to know how to play cricket, the first thing you have to know is that it is a game that needs a lot of patience. The matches can last up to 28 hours. Even in some cases there is a break for tea.
Clearance Cricket Store is a Melbourne based online store where you can get everything you need to start practicing cricket! Visit our store!
Cricket match
The ideal cricket field is an oval about 140 meters wide and 150 meters long. In the centre of the field is the pitch, a strip of land 20 meters long and 3 meters wide. In so-called first-class matches, the pitch is grass, cut and carefully matched. In other encounters it can be concrete or clay covered with a fibre mat. At each end of the pitch are the rakes, composed of three vertical wooden stakes, 71 centimetres high and spaced a total of 23 centimetres, so that the ball cannot pass between the stakes. Two small bails (transoms, or wooden rods) are placed horizontally in grooves in the upper part of the stakes, one after the other, connecting the three stakes.
In the width of the pitch there are drawn some white lines called creases, parallel to each of the rakes and located 1.2 meters in front of them. These lines delimit the area in which hitters are safe when the ball is in play. The pitcher must not cross this line when he throws the ball, otherwise he is said to be no-ball (a throw that is not valid) and he is automatically penalized with a free run, a goal, or a run, against him.
The captains of the two opposing teams toss a coin to determine who will hit first. The winner can make his team hit first or the opposing team who does if he thinks that there may be certain advantages for his team due to weather conditions, pitch status or other reasons.
Two batters are placed in their respective lines at each end of the pitch. Both carry protectors for the legs and body, as well as special gloves. For some years, most professional batsmen also wear helmets. All non-hitting team players are strategically placed around the field at various distances from the batter receiving the ball. The goalkeeper (catcher, or catcher, in terms of baseball), well protected also, is placed behind the batter’s rake, attentive to catch any ball that escapes him and also to try to eliminate him with a caught or a stumped while It is outside of your land.
The captain assigns two members of his team to play pitchers for as long as he determines. One throws six consecutive balls (eight in Australia and South Africa) from one end of the pitch and the other does the same from the opposite end. These series of six releases are called “overs”. In each team there are usually several pitchers, and the captain decides when to switch from fast (fast) and medium fast (slow) to slower (slow) or spin (effective) launchers. The ball should not be thrown as it is done in baseball, but should be thrown over, keeping the arm extended without bending the elbow until all the movement is completed and the ball has been thrown.
The cricket ball, normally lined with red leather, weighs about 160 grams and is slightly smaller, harder and heavier than baseball. The effect that the thrower gives the ball, using the thick stitches of the seam, affects its trajectory in the air and determines the direction it will take after bouncing, because, in contrast to baseball, the ball usually bounces once before to get to the batter. Only on rare occasions does the pitcher make a full-toss, or full pitch, that is, throw the ball so that the batter can intercept it before it hits the ground. It is often more difficult to face an astute player who throws the ball with effect than one who throws it quickly. The effect is achieved by turning the ball to the left or to the right when releasing it. There are two basic types of effect: “off breaks”, if the change of direction of the ball is towards the opposite side to the batter, and “leg breaks”, if the change of direction of the ball is towards the part of the field that remains to the back of the batter.
Cricket teams
Cricket is a sport played with a bat and a ball, in which two teams of eleven players each face each other.
The teams are formed by: a pitcher (bowler) who throws the ball to a batter (batsman), who has to throw the ball as far as possible from field players or fielders (fielders).
How to play the cricket
Cricket players
The score in the game of cricket is counted in races, the objective of each team is to do more races than the opponent in his batting turn. Once the batter hits the ball thrown by the pitcher, he must run to the other side of the field to score a run.
The batter is eliminated if the ball is caught by one of the opposing team’s field players or if in his case the pitcher knocks down the wicket, or goal, which is placed behind the batter.
It is completely forbidden to use the foot, leg or any other part of the body to hit the ball by the batter. You can only do it with the bat.
What makes you play cricket
Although it is not a well-known sport, it is advisable that you know what benefits it can give you or your family to practice cricket. This type of games makes you have strong arms, since you must have enough strength and agility in them to throw and catch the ball several times throughout the game.
When you start playing cricket often, then you start to see a great improvement in everything that has to do with the person both physically and mentally.
The dexterity that is generated between the eye and the hand of a cricketer, makes it possible to improve his determination and focus. These two concepts are of vital importance for a child, so it is very important that you learn to develop it at a very young age.
Here at Clearance Cricket Store you will find all the equipment needed to practice this beautiful sport.