Poker is a game in which it is necessary to collect information since the more data you have from the rivals and the situation, the better results you will get and, therefore, the more money you will get. This is clear, although it is common to see doubts among beginner players when it comes to knowing what they should be watching and how to do it.
Paying attention in poker means much more than simply remembering past hands. From the moment you sit at the table you should observe everything that happens around you.
From the way in which the player has made the buy-in to the way of playing the different hands, going through his way of dressing, you need to store all the possible information at all times doing this as a process that will help you to take good decisions that will help you increase your budget.
The way to pay attention to beginners focuses mainly (and almost only) on analysing and extracting attention only from the hands in which they are involved. You need to be really attentive to each of the hands that are disputed, whether you are in them or not.
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Classify your opponents
Pay attention to the percentage of times each player bets before the flop and from which positions he usually plays. When another player sees his bet, how many times does he make a continuation bet after the flop?, are they able to bet (even bluffing) on the three streets or abandon their aggressiveness with bets after a single street?
Does the player tend to perform semi-bluffs with their projects or do they prefer to play passively, betting and re-raising bets only when they have a hand made?
Since you sit at the table you must begin to classify your opponents as aggressive or passive, as well as loose or tight.
There is a saying known in poker that says that if you have not been able to find the target in the first ten minutes, you are the target. You must discover the weak players and pay attention to know what the best way is to take advantage of them.
Bankroll for poker
Having an exclusive budget or bankroll to play poker is really important, something that many of the players forget with negative consequences for them. Having this money independent from other matters will help you to know the exact data of your gains or losses, in addition to reducing your stress in case of losing sessions.
If you play online poker and do not want to have to deposit money again, follow our advice and take advantage of them to never enter bankruptcy. Determine how many buy-ins you should have in your budget regarding the entry cost to the gaming table in the cash games, as well as the number of tickets available for a tournament, to survive without running out of luck in a run of bad luck.
Stop bluffing without control
Beginning players think that the way to win in poker is cheating the opponent, erring by throwing bluffs every time they have to do it.
Keep in mind never failing in poker is about the great misunderstanding that many of the beginning players have, who believe that poker consists of bluffing and trying to fool the opponent whenever possible. The truth is that winning in poker depends much more on having good knowledge and fundamentals of poker than of bluffing and aggression to the blind.
The chances of you remembering more than one occasion when a bluff has slipped out of your hands and before you knew it you had all your stack in the middle with a derisory hand are very high, so you probably know about What are we talking about.
A lot of your benefits will really come from the fact that other players will make this kind of mistake, so until your game strategy improves and your experience grows enough to know how to perform a complicated bluff, save money and focus only on how to get the most benefit when you have a great hand.
When it comes to talking about bluffs, it is better to make a multitude of small lanterns that have a high probability of succeeding instead of playing a large part of your stack (or all) in a hand in which you basically cross your fingers in the hope that the rival throws his cards.
But the most important thing you will learn is how to avoid throwing away much of your money with hands that have very little value.
Write down your results
Take notes and analyse every day the possible losses and gains, as well as investment made to achieve the final result, number of hands played, open tables and a long etcetera, is really important and we would say that practically indispensable if you want to be a long winning player term.
For this reason, we have decided to include in our series of basic tips to avoid losing this topic in poker and we will try to teach you the easiest way to start recording your results daily and how to use this information to make better decisions about when, where and how to play.
At a minimum you should always know the money you have invested in the poker tables and how much you have recovered from it or the net profits, without forgetting to make a history of results in longer terms: week, month, year and, finally, all the gains or losses since you started playing.
After knowing that this is really important and after taking into account that you know the money invested and the results (economically speaking) daily, it is also convenient that you keep in mind things like when and where you are playing, the type of players with whom you have faced and other aspects that at first may seem irrelevant.
Looking more closely at all the statistics generated you should analyse these and focus on your strengths (how you usually earn the money), in addition to avoiding those situations that make your money go to for other hands.
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