Ginza Teppanyaki

The art of Teppanyaki orginates in Osaka 200 years ago and has become extremely popular with gourmets around the world Teppanyaki, which is Japanese barbeque style seafood, quality fillet of meat, etc – presented unprepared and the chefs skillfully display their expertise on the hot plate in front of you. Your meal is personally prepared to your requested taste.

Ginza Teppanyaki located at 139 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne (China Town) was established in 1995. We continue to be one of the impeccable restaurants in the Melbourne CBD. High qualities of food and chefs’ superior skills has attracted many regular customers and overseas tourists. Unlike other teppanyaki restaurants, we use cast iron as grill for cooking. It boosts the iron intake which is essential for maintaining energy levels and helps to strengthen the immune systems. We welcome you to come if you are looking for ice-breaking interaction with our teppanyaki chefs and a dinner that covered with joy and laughter.

Our restaurant can cater for a party up to 200 people. Functions we have catered for including end of financial year and Christmas celebrations, bucks and hen’s night, school excursion, anniversary, birthday and many special occasions as requested by our customers.


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