Why should you train your workforce for efficient outcome?

Sociologists and philosophers of the administration have pointed out the “future” importance of education. We say future not because in the present and past it has ceased to have the same transcendence, but because the needs of an authentic integral workforce development of the human being and of society demand that, from this moment on, […]

Sociologists and philosophers of the administration have pointed out the “future” importance of education. We say future not because in the present and past it has ceased to have the same transcendence, but because the needs of an authentic integral workforce development of the human being and of society demand that, from this moment on, education occupy a first plane within of the objectives at national and international level; because the vast majority of fundamentally moral, social, political and economic problems are education problems and it is the key to solving them.

For that reason,  training and professional capacitation are essential, and what does an organisation gain by training its staff? Capacitation, or staff development, is any activity carried out in an organisation, responding to their needs, which seeks to improve the attitude, knowledge, skills or behaviour of its staff.

These are the main goals of capacitation:

  • It seeks to improve the employee in his job,
  • Depending on the needs of the company,
  • In a structured process with well-defined goals.

When is training needed?

The need for a training arises when there is a difference between what a person should know to perform a task, and what they really know. These differences are often discovered when doing performance evaluations, or job profile descriptions.

Given the continuous changes in the activity of the organisations, there are practically no static jobs. Each person must be prepared to occupy the functions required by the company.

Change influences what each person should know, and also how to carry out tasks. One of the main responsibilities of supervision is to anticipate the changes by anticipating future training demands, and to do so according to the skills and potential of each person.

Here at Universal Skills you will find a top team of experts willing to train your employees and ensure they can perform their work excellently.

Key aspects regarding capacitation and training

The fields of application of a training are many, but in general they fall into one of the following four areas:

  1. a) Induction

It is the information that is provided to the newly admitted employees. Usually the incoming supervisors do it. The HR department establishes the guidelines in writing, so that the action is uniform and planned.

  1. b) Training

It applies to operating personnel. In general, it occurs in the same job. Training is necessary when there are innovations that affect tasks or functions, or when it becomes necessary to raise the general level of knowledge of operational personnel. The instructions for each job should be written.

  1. c) Basic training

It’s developed in organisations of a certain size; seeks specially prepared staff, with a general knowledge of the entire organisation. It is generally taken by young professionals, who receive full instruction on the company, and then receive their destination. They are the “officers” of the future.

  1. d) Development of chiefs and managers

It is usually the most difficult, because it is about developing attitudes rather than specific knowledge and skills. In all other training actions, the commitment of management is necessary. Here, the commitment of the general management, and of the highest levels of the organization is paramount. The management style of a company is achieved not only by working in common, but above all with common reflection on the problems of management. Should be disseminated topics such as time management, conducting meetings, analysis and decision making, and others.

In either case, both the sequence and the content of the activities must be properly planned so as to obtain maximum alignment.

Training as an investment

The organisation invests resources with each collaborator by selecting, incorporating, and training them. To protect this investment, the organisation should know the potential of its men. This allows to know if each person has reached limits as a worker or can reach higher positions. It also allows you to see if there are other tasks of a similar level that you can perform, developing your skills and improving the performance of the company.

Another important way in which the organisation protects its investment in human resources is through career planning. It stimulates the possibilities of personal growth of each collaborator and allows to have replacement tables.

The social effects of training your employees

The training, although it is designed to improve the productivity of the organisation, has important social effects. The knowledge, skills and aptitudes acquired by each person not only perfect it to work, but also for your life.

They are the most effective form of worker protection, firstly because if a vacancy occurs in the organisation, it can be covered internally by promotion; and if a worker disassociates himself, the more trained he is, the more easily he will get a new job.

Promotions, transfers and training activities are a crucial factor in motivation and retention of personnel. They demonstrate to the people that in that company they can develop a career or reach a degree of knowledge that allows them their permanent “employability”.

What are the benefits of training?

The training allows to avoid the obsolescence of the knowledge managed by the personnel, which generally occurs among the oldest employees if they have not been retrained.

It also allows us to adapt to rapid social changes, such as the situation of women who work, the increase in the population with university degrees, the longer life expectancy, the continuous changes in products and services, the advancement of information technology in all areas, and the growing and diverse demands of the market. It decreases the turnover rate of personnel and allows to train substitutes that can occupy new functions quickly and efficiently.

Therefore, investment in training results in benefits for both the person trained and the company that trains him. And the companies that make the greatest efforts in this regard, are the ones that will benefit most in the hypercompetitive markets that are here to stay.’

Here at Universal Skills we develop global projects on occupational risk prevention in the entire country, offering advisory services in normative, preventive and procedural matters, both in prevention, occupational health and safety in elevated risk jobs, height, confinement and areas with explosive atmospheres.