Choosing the right lights for your dining room

  Lighting is one of the most important things regarding interior design, without proper lighting coming from a pretty lamp any central area of your house may feel incomplete and actually empty dining room. Lighting can totally change the atmosphere and make a place way more comfortable. Regarding the areas of a house where people […]
dining room


Lighting is one of the most important things regarding interior design, without proper lighting coming from a pretty lamp any central area of your house may feel incomplete and actually empty dining room. Lighting can totally change the atmosphere and make a place way more comfortable.

Regarding the areas of a house where people need to have proper lighting, we could say that any area in the house needs it. Nevertheless, there are some places where lighting coming out of a pretty lamp is also very important to give that area the finish it requires. Such is the case of your dining room.

Your dining room is a really important place because it’s the place of reunion by default. Even when people are too into their own stuff and you don’t see them quite usually wandering around the house, they need to eat from time to time, meaning that most interactions, small talks and any kind of contact between different people living in the same house will take place in the area of the dining room.

Also, the dining room usually ends up being the place for other activities. For example, most of the things that require a wide area of space such as making a big drawing or something like that will most likely be done in the dining room because the big table is the perfect place to put big papers, cardboard and things like that on.

In order to find out which light will be better for your dining room we have prepared some easy tips and specifications that will be very helpful to find the perfect fit for the room where you and your family eat at.

Hanging? Yes. Superimposing? No.

It’s kind of a general rule that hanging lamps look amazing in the dining room, they give a touch to the area making it easier to recognise that it is an important area and it simply differs from the rest in some way.

Also, hanging the lamps from the roof guarantees that lights will be close over the head of the diners which gives an excellent feeling of intimacy and confidentiality. This is the exact kind of feeling you want your guests to feel while they are dining, mostly because after eating there’s always room for a conversation after everyone has finish their dinner.

You can determine the right height at which your lamps should hang from the roof and it should be from 75 to 90 centimetres over the table.

What size is appropriate?

The size of the lamp you select for your dining room is as important as its location. You must choose a lamp that is proportional in size to the table and the area where it will be located. If you choose a lamp that is too small it will lose its impact and will look diminished when compared to all the extra space. If you choose a lamp that is too big it will look invasive and tuff.

In general terms it’s a good idea to choose a lamp that 1/3 the size of the table, but there’s a greater chance of choosing a lamp that is too small than one that is too big. Visually, a lamp that is too small for the table is less attractive so if you’re not sure about which one to choose, choose the biggest one.

To avoid accidents while people gets up from the table, make sure that the lamp is at least 30 centimetres narrower than the table.
How much lighting?

Choosing lights with proper lighting are also extremely important in our dining room. First of all if we don’t have enough light we won’t get a great colour definition and this may affect how we see the dish we’re ingesting. While too much lighting can totally destroy that feeling of intimacy and confidentiality a dining room should have.

Edison lights have become quite popular lately due to the vintage look they give to the entire area. However, their lighting is kind of dull meaning that they must be left only for decorative purposes and not for functionality. A great alternative in case you prefer using this kind of lamps is to complement their lighting with recessed lights, this will allow you to get enough lighting.


This is a very important aspect about dining room lamps, don’t ever put it on a side of the table or something like that. It must be in the exact centre, aligned with the centre of the table laying beneath. If you cannot do this then you’ll probably need to modify the electric installation in order to leave your lamp hanging in the centre of the table or use a chain that allows you to adjust the position of the lamp.

Make it match with your table

Last but not least, it is extremely important that your lamp matches the design of your dining table. Rounded tables look better with rounded hanging lamps and they are the best choice for a modern and harmonious environment. While lights with elongated dimensions are the perfect match for rectangular tables. Another interesting method is to put more than just one lamp in a line in order to lighten the whole table. That’s the reason people should not limit themselves to just one lamp, you can put as many as you want, it’s way better if you use an odd number.

If you want to purchase a modern and sophisticated model for your dining room then you should see our catalogue. Years of experience back us as top quality lighting sellers in Australia. We have what you need at a very competitive price. Call us and make sure you’re having the best products to complement your interior design.