There are fewer moments in life more important than a wedding pictures. That special time when two people come to an agreement of sharing their life for quite a long time or maybe until one of them is no longer part of this world. Knowing that many people only get married once in their lives, photographs of that day are a valuable memory and can be the best reminder of the original love that put both of them together.
However, as other things in life, wedding pictures need to have a touch that makes them differ from other wedding pictures. That is the reason why a couple should not be intimidated by another close couple having the best photographer in the world to take pictures of them in the Eiffel tower and in the Burj Khalifa, sometimes imagination can take you way further than any other thing in the world.
Also, it’s important to keep in mind that these pictures need to be perfect for both people that are marrying. Being their day, this should also be a part of the celebration and should be entirely devoted to celebrate their union.
Be confident about your ideas
Many people have dreamed about the day of their wedding, many other with a wider imagination have imagined impressive things happening or how they wanted their celebration to be. Of course, reality many times puts in the way of our expectations and we have to abandon some ideas, but they remain alive in some deeper parts of our minds, and the photographs for our wedding are the perfect time to let those ideas come to life once again.
Photographers have a bunch of ideas for pictures they want to take, they can give you recommendations and so, they will most likely be excellent pictures either way, but if you want to make them have a personal touch you need to speak up.
Don’t feel ashamed and don’t hold yourself about any kind of recommendation, if you don’t like the pictures at the end you can try with some other ideas but maybe you will like them and they will be as impressive as you ever imagined them inside your head.
For example, it’s not common seeing a couple disguised as warriors fighting a dragon in their wedding pictures, no matter how hard they have fanned medieval stories during their whole lives. Just give it a try. For example, if you like cars then try to include them in your picture in an original way and you’ll make sure your pictures will put a smile in your face each time you see them and it’ll still be a beautiful photo.
Always ask for your partner’s opinion
Keep in mind that this day is a special celebration for both of you, none of you can be excluded because if one of the two people that will appear in the picture is not completely convinced about what is being done, it’s going to be noticed in the picture.
It is important to ask your partner if she or he is ok with one of your ideas because they may have something to add or something that they consider a better idea. Listening to each other will increase your trust in your wedding making sure that you can understand each other well and get to a common agreement without fighting.
Many people prefer to go for something simple and not because they lack ideas of how to make their pictures better, but because they are too afraid of what other people will say when they see the picture, for these cases it’s important to keep in mind that these pictures should be your favourite ones in the world and not others, only your wife or husband has the right to tell you that something is wrong with your idea or that they don’t like it as much as you do.
Remember that only you can put a limit
There are no limitations regarding photography, the only limitation is the one people put to themselves. There is always a way to try a scenery or a take people have thought about. But if you are afraid of being judged you will never be able to overcome these limits and come up with the ideas you always dreamt of. Do not let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Do some research in order to determine the best place for pictures like the ones you want to have.
If you don’t take the pictures you want to take then you’ll repent for the rest of your life. You can always pay another session and have a photographer to take does pictures but they won’t be the same after you have married, think about it.
Here at Fuss photography we make our best in order to keep having services with us. We will capture your happiest moment so you can show it to your beloved ones and they will know you were truly happy about that day, as happy as we hope you will ever be.
Our studio is based in Sydney and we are willing to go with you to wherever your favourite place is and with a combination of talent and skills as well as the experience we have acquired as professional weddings photographers enable us to take the pictures you’ve ever dreamt of and which will look spectacular in your living room. Contact us and we’ll take care of your memories for such an important time of your life.