In the world of entertainment, parties and event everything is possible. One of the most difficult things to do is finding the most suitable equipment for any kind of event. It’s especially hard because businessmen for example have very little in common to kids. However, there are always some options that can be used for both cases in event.
Here in Snow Flow we have more than 10 years of experience in the field of entertainment. Providing people with machines such as popcorn machines, fairy floss machines and slushy machines. Even though most people enjoy treats such as fairy floss and popcorn, they may not be the right option to take to a business meeting or a formal reunion.
On the other hand, slushies have proven to be an excellent choice for both cases. The main reason? Well, they can be used to make slushies but also to prepare daiquiris.
Slushies are never boring
Slushies are the best way to assure some fun for kids in parties. Along with other attractions slushies can be an excellent midday snack. These are some of the reasons why slushies will never get old for the youngest ones:
- Especially during summer, slushies can be a delicious beverage to accompany a sandwich or some cookies during the break. They can also be served alone and kids will enjoy how cold and refreshing it is during a hot day where they are most likely to be all sweaty and tired.
- They are colourful, and it’s not a secret how kids love colourful things. When having a slushy they will feel like they are eating a small piece of carnival.
- Kids tend to get bored very soon, as slushies come in many different colours and flavours they will want to try each one of the slushies and that way you’re guaranteeing they will be entertained for some time.
Last but not least, slushies are very cost-effective. The only thing needed for these cups is ice and the artificial flavour you want to add, some people also prefer to use natural fruit juices or even tea to give some flavour to the ice.
Those are some of the reasons why a slushy machine can be the perfect machine to make a kids’ party way better, however, we should dive a little deeper into the reasons that make this machine the most suitable option for adult meetings as well.
Slushy machines to make daiquiris
Slushy machines may not look like the right choice for an adult meeting. It’s not likely to see a man in a suit carrying a briefcase in one hand and a slushy in the other one. Nevertheless, there are some uses to this machine that aren’t as popular as the option for kids.
Slushy machines can be used to prepare daiquiris, margaritas and all kinds of alcoholic drinks made with shaved ice. Even though not many people would enjoy a daiquiri, this drink is an excellent tropical companion for an afternoon in the swimming pool or something like that.
Also, there are many different types of daiquiris. You can use a lot of fruits to prepare daiquiris and that is also a plus because your guests will be able to experiment different flavours.
A cost-efficient option
Have you thought of how much you’d be saving in drinks if you rent or acquire a slushy machine for your events? These machines do not need anyone assisting them to work properly, they can do the job by themselves. And even after the preparation process is done they keep on working to keep the drink cold and with the texture it’s supposed to have.
Regarding the ingredients, ice and flavours, either artificial ones or fruit juices can be great options to give your slushies some colour and life. Some people even like to squeeze an orange or a lemon over the ice and just eat it that way.
We are quite sure that slushy machines are the best options for when the summer gets extremely hot and you need a refreshing break. And they only need to be plugged to a power source and that’s it, it’ll be working for all the time you need it.
You may not want to acquire a slushy machine yet, if that’s the case you can always rent one and give your event a modern and fun turn.
If you want to acquire or rent a slushy machine you can always contact us, we have offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane, and we’ll give you the most competitive prices you’ll find in the market.
By contacting us you are making sure you’re not acquiring an overpriced machine but you’re actually getting one at the lowest price possible because we’re manufacturers, there’s no way someone can offer a better price than manufacturers themselves.
Are you looking for other machines for your big event? You don’t want anything missing from your party in order to make it memorable for all your guests? Well that’s excellent because here in Snow Flow we also offer porpcorn machines, fairy floss machines and chocolate fountains as well. We can also provide you with hot chocolate machines and juice dispensers, you can call us and have some more information regarding our services, and we can certainly help you with any kind of event you’re going to have near any of our locations in Australia.
If you already have a slushy machine and you’re looking for experts that can give you a hand with maintenance and repairs you can call us! We repair all brands of slushy machines.