If you’ve ever wanted to achieve a more youthful and younger appearance, it is now possible with less invasive procedures. The face of anti-wrinkle treatment is rapidly changing with the rise of injectables, botox and fillers. They are becoming extremely popular for treating wrinkles and expression lines. If you feel like your face is not as full as it once was and certain areas of your face sag, then injectable fillers is an option for you. You may have kids and feel like you need that added boost of confidence and youthfulness to cancel out your tiredness from everyday life.
Injectable fillers are a great way to smoothen out your face. If you’ve been spending excessive amounts of money on wrinkle cream and anti-ageing products that leave you disappointment, it might be time for a change. Injectable fillers provide you with the chance to look younger without the long recovery time.
What exactly are injectable fillers?
Injectable fillers are often used to relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles, correct volume loss and produce an overall natural and balanced look. Injectable fillers change the facial profile for a more youthful appearance by filling in the deep folds of the face. This is typically used on the nasolabial folds (around the nose), to create fuller and plumper lips and to pad our hollow cheeks and eyes. Collagen was the standard filler ingredient, however now, hyaluronic acid has now become more popular. Fillers last six to 12 months and if you want to maintain your youthful appearance, you will have to schedule regular appointments.
With a non-invasive treatment, you won’t have to take time off at home from work to recover and allows you to get real results. This procedure may sometimes cause slight swelling, however, it is usually barely noticeable and only lasts for about three days.
Do your research
Before you go ahead and book an appointment, make sure the clinic’s practitioners are registered healthcare professionals at an accredited clinic. Also, attend a consultation before committing to the injectables. This way if you have any concerns, you will have the opportunity to discuss them as well as to ask for a treatment plan to outline how much work you need and how often you’ll need to return. Cost may affect your decision, therefore it is important to consider the ongoing cost of keeping up with the treatments. Once you’ve had your consultation, don’t decide on the spot whether you’d like to go through with the treatments. Have several days to think about your decision and the consultation before making your final decision.
International Rejuvenation
Here at International Rejuvenation, you can achieve more youthful complexion with non-surgical and less invasive cosmetic procedures. We are the only company that works alongside an in-house skin consultant. This allows us to help both pre and post-surgery patients to maximise their procedure outcomes and improve their recovery. We offer a range of cosmetic surgeries at affordable prices with the comfort of your very own case manager, who will be there to guide you through every step of the journey. Our injectable fillers are cost-effective and a great opportunity to enrich your beauty.