The hiring of a financial advisor is an important decision and should not be dismissed. For companies, regardless of their size, the financial consultant has brought benefits since the beginning of the business world. However, these professionals offer the greatest advantages to people.
- Nowadays, it is very common for people to enter the world of investments. But success does not always accompany these initiatives, putting the family’s financial assets and health at risk.
- There is a way to avoid these problems and optimise revenue: Hiring a financial consultant. The problem is that we have always thought that only the richest men on the planet need these services and can afford them. This is not like this:
- The main advantage of hiring a financial consultant is directly related to the quality of the information and the recommendations that only an expert can transmit. Upon receiving the advice of a finance expert, we understand that it is not enough to read the news about fluctuations in financial markets, in order to invest successfully.
- Controlling our own finances is not an easy task and it is because we have not been prepared for it. The advice of a financial, specialized and professional consultant can make us earn a lot of money and minimize losses (These are inherent in investments).
- Making a planning budget with the help of a financial consultant is much easier and more productive than breaking your head alone, in a sea of options presented by the financial market. The financial consultant knows which are the best investments, the safest and the ones that offer the best profitability to his client.
- A financial consultant is able to thoroughly analyse the patterns of income expenditures of each person, which will allow the development of planning for a real, viable and totally unique budget. By planning well, future financial events, people can take loans, make purchases, plan trips and much more.
Prickly Pear collects the expertise and knowledge of skilled consultants with years of experience working with businesses creating tailored strategies that help you achieve your financial objectives.
Well, why when optimising our financial assets, we are so reluctant to trust a professional specialised in this very important aspect such as the profitability of our savings? We give you 9 reasons why you need a financial advisor as soon as possible.
- General ignorance of investment products and market fluctuations
Each person is different and their personal situation, academic training and personal interests are also diverse, by definition. Why do we think that by reading the salmon press and listening to the current economic gathering we will be prepared to pilot our investment portfolio? Don’t go crazy for trying to understand the complicated international financial reality. Delegate who is well prepared to do it for you.
- Distrust of the latest financial fraud linked to banking entities
The uninformed commercialisation of preferred shares by a financial entity, the hiring of multi-currency mortgages, the absence of transparency in the information of the land clauses … It rains on wet and the private investor has adopted a clear distrust of the advice offered the bank that manages your savings.
- The personal manager of your bank or savings bank works for your financial institution and not for the client
The extended figure of the “personal investment portfolio manager” that the banking institutions award to their clients with the varnish of personalized and free attention is not the best solution for the saver. These professionals offer the client the products of their manager, which are in the commercialization period at that time, and they do so following profitability criteria for the financial institution for which they work. Detailed information and adaptation to the client’s personal situation and investment expectations can only be offered by an independent financial advisor who works exclusively for and for his client.
- Only a Financial Advisor is able to make you a “tailored suit” for your capital
He is the ideal professional to carry out a personalized study of both your current assets and your personal and / or family situation, your tax rate and the real investment interests that you expect to obtain. It adapts to the investment risk you want to assume and informs you of the greater or lesser profitability that accompanies each financial product of which you are informed.
- A Financial Advisor can offer you a greater investment variety
A Financial Advisor (EAFI) is able to offer its client a varied, diverse and international investment portfolio with access to investment products that cannot be offered by the banks’ own managers. It is the opportunity to optimize and universalise investment options and obtain maximum return on your savings.
- The previous bad experience in managing your savings and the danger of investment inaction
It is difficult not to know any particular dissatisfied saver, to a greater or lesser extent, due to the poor profitability of a product contracted through your bank. This widespread weariness leads the saver to opt only for fixed income products that practically nullify the possibilities of financial performance.
- Trust the experts the fruit of your work … Win peace of mind and quality time for you
As you delegate to numerous plots of your daily life in favour of specialised professionals (doctors, lawyers, nutritionists, physiotherapists, beauticians, etc.), do not miss the opportunity to ensure the profitability of the fruit of your work and your savings in expert hands and honest.
- The Financial Advisors have the endorsement of the NSMC
The security of trusting trained and recognized professionals as such is a safe value when hiring the services of a Financial Advisor. These investment services companies, which can be both natural and legal persons, must be registered in the corresponding Registry of the National Securities Market Commission (NSMC).
- Total transparency in the collection of your fees
The fear of not knowing what you can spend can also lead the investor not to hire the services of a professional for financial advice. However, Financial Advisors (EAFI) collect their fees in a completely transparent manner, according to a commission set out in their brochure of maximum rates. This documentation is always available to the client: both at the registered office of EAFI and on its website and on the CNMV website.
Here at Prickly Pear we have a professional team that will identify any growth opportunities for your business, we help you consolidate your business ideas.