Recycling as a response to pollution due to the large amount of waste we produce daily began to take place four decades ago, however, today, despite the large amount of information about this practice. There are still several aspects that should be fine-tuned.
With Recyclit, we simplify the entire recycle procedure and save you a lot of time and effort from collecting all organic and inorganic wastes by having you posting them and letting the self-closing stainless-steel doors prevent any smells from spreading outside the recycling bin.
Recycling is generating dynamic cycles around the materials we use, so we can reduce waste and save a good portion of elements that come from natural resources (virgin materials), some of them renewable.
Although carefully separating our garbage according to the materials is already a commendable contribution, there are different actions or complementary notions that will help us achieve better results. So here we leave you four tips to take into account:
- Reduce and reuse before recycling: Before starting to recycle, remember that there are two steps prior to that task: reduce and reuse. In a way, organizing your waste for recycling should be the last option. First, it would be good to review and reduce, as far as possible, your consumption patterns. Then, try to consider what you’re going to throw away could be reused, in order to avoid future purchases. After these steps, start recycling in the most intelligent way possible.
- Purchase recycled things: Although it is still small, the market for recycled products is becoming increasingly diverse and to the extent that you favour it, the inputs used and the products themselves will reduce their costs, while at the same time strengthening the culture around this practice.
- Get informed with the authorities in your city: Try to know what materials are destined for large-scale recycling in your city, so that you can give them higher priority when separating garbage. So, beyond perceiving a pleasant feeling of environmental responsibility, you will really be participating actively in that great dynamic cycle of recycling.
- Create your own homemade compost: Many cities do not usually take advantage of organic waste. As they do not manage to capitalise it -for lack of knowledge, time or infrastructure-, they end up grouping it with inorganic waste that is not destined for recycling due to its very complex or very expensive procedures. And what better solution to this problem than preparing your own compost at home, the same that you can even use to feed your plants or, at best, make your own vegetable garden.
As you can see, there are very simple ways to continue protecting our environment. Continue doing this great work and help to continue building a better world.
Recycling at home: much easier than you think
To recycle properly it is essential to have a change of habit. Every time you go to throw something in your dumpster, you should check if this waste can be recycled.
We have all heard more than ever the famous 3R: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. But what do these actions really involve? Are they feasible for an ordinary human being in your home? The truth is that if.
While it is clear that companies have a great responsibility to reduce, recycle and if possible, reuse their waste, we can also make a difference. At this point, it is regrettable to say that only 7% of household waste is recycled, because apparently it is seen as something very complex. 70% of people do not have the habit of recycling or find it cumbersome.
What is recycling?
It is the process by which different waste is converted into raw material to manufacture a new product, same or different from the original.
To recycle it is essential to have a change of habit. Every time you go to throw something in your dumpster, you should check if this waste can be recycled. If so, you must separate it from ordinary garbage.
If you are a beginner, start with the most common and simplest separations:
- Papers and cartons (with the exception of carbon paper, photographic paper, glue, wax, plastic, sanitary paper and disposable handkerchiefs).
- Plastics (with the exception of transparent crystallized plastics of prepared food containers, personal items such as toothbrushes, medicine containers, facial creams or cosmetics, containers with waste oils and others).
- Glasses (bottles and jars must go without metal or plastic lids).
- Aluminium cans (the containers must go without the wrapping paper).
- Tetrapack
Once they are separated, what do we do with them?
When you have enough waste of each material, on average every two weeks, make the effort to take them to the closest clean point to your house.
Recycling is much simpler than it looks. It just takes effort and desire to make a real change in our way of dealing with garbage. Everything is to take care of the planet and leave it in good condition for future generations. Go ahead and recycle!
Other ways to recycle:
This is a very good idea for those who enjoy their garden or live in apartments and have plants. Instead of throwing away organic waste from your kitchen, use it to make a composter or compost that nourishes your plants. How? Veoverde.com explains a very simple way.
Get a wooden box of 1 square meter. In a well-made compost it is not enough to produce fermentation, so do not worry if you live in the apartment, the smell will only be forest.
Compost is nutritious material, like the humus that occurs naturally in the soil when the organic matter decomposes and fertilizes the first layers of the soil.
The secret is to add the waste materials, such as the remains of vegetables and fruits, including food, eggshells, autumn leaves and make a mixture between wetter and drier materials, for a good balance and keep it everything well aerated, moving the elements so that the compost does not stagnate in its process. So that your compost does not rot, it is key that it stays dry, that it never spills liquid.
It will be ready in about 3 months in spring-summer and up to 6 in winter.
With Recyclit you can dispose inorganic waste, organic waste and recyclables knowing that you are using an innovative