Every company, whether it is starting or that has many years of experience, needs at a certain moment a legal adviser. Since taking the legal aspects of an organization correctly determines to a large extent its prosperity and success.
Legal professionals who provide corporate and judicial advice in all life cycles of a company are known as corporate lawyers. These specialists allow employers to feel safe in the operations carried out, since they act on the basis of the legal knowledge of the counsellor, whether in legal, ethical and employment issues. Now, what are its functions?
A corporate lawyer has the duty to review, draft and negotiate all business contracts of the company. In addition to processing some type of license that the company needs to operate.
Here at RS Chase Lawyers we will offer the assistance you require in order to improve your decisions on a daily basis and we will also offer you the protection you need in order to keep developing your business without any external issues. If you want someone to take care of the legal part in an effective way, contact us today.
This professional has the obligation to plan each of the steps that the company will take, in order to visualise the opportunities and risks that the company has when making a business.
Another of its function is to manage legal staff, as well as:
-Manage government contacts
-Provide mediations for disputes with customers, employees or suppliers
-Guarantee compliance with regulations and laws
-Represent the company in legal matters of various kinds before a court of law
If you still do not have one, we recommend that you go to a lawyer’s buffet and ask for one’s advice, or even better if you get a lawyer by recommendation or is part of the family. The important thing is that you make sure you choose someone who has the ability to work under pressure, without schedules, with excellent communication skills both written and oral and especially who has previous experience.
Having a corporate lawyer close to your SME gives you the advantage of having a person in your team who recognizes business problems, internal policies of the institution and visualises the main sources of risks or inconveniences.
How to select a corporate lawyer?
A corporate lawyer is a professional who is responsible for applying to the organization the laws and regulations in force in the civil and business field and to maintain order in all legal aspects of the company. In addition, it is the professional who seeks to balance the legal relationship between the company and different external public and private actors (users, customers or suppliers).
The corporate lawyer looks after the interests of the company, for the correct implementation of a corporate governance structure, for carrying out the procedures and because the decision-making processes are carried out correctly.
It is who promotes order and legal stability within the company, since it is dedicated to assessing possible conflicts of non-compliance with regulatory laws.
In simple terms, it is who helps compliance with the law within the organisation.
A good corporate lawyer must possess the following characteristics:
– Know how to structure transactions with suppliers, strategic allies, customers and consumers, in such a way that there is no abuse by the company against them.
– Caring for relationships and maintaining a healthy business correlation with all the actors and related companies.
– Comply with legal obligations and regulations.
– Comply with corporate regulations in relation to external shareholders and investors.
– Try to be a proactive collaborator who always seeks the welfare of customers, partners, partners and suppliers of the company, finding new opportunities for development.
The important thing is to perform a harmonious management, in line with the internal and external regulations that must be faithfully fulfilled within the activities of the company.
What you should know before hiring a lawyer for your company
Years ago, lawyers were professionals prepared to work in court trials or to work as independent professionals. However, this trend today has changed significantly, as many choose to work in the corporate area of a company.
Make sure they have obtained their bachelor’s degree in law and have qualified your exequatur. Also have a specialty in corporate law to fully dominate the issues relating to tax law, contract law, stock market law, tax law, accounting, bankruptcy, intellectual property rights, zoning laws, licensing laws and the specific laws for the business that they work for.
It is important that the person you hire to work in this area has experience, either because they have worked in another company in the corporate department or because they have completed an internship.
The lawyer of your company must have the ability to communicate correctly, both orally and in writing, because it will be responsible for representing you in any type of legal situation that the company is involved. In addition, to handle tax issues, commercial contracts, legal rights and obligations, including the responsibilities of corporate officers of the company.
The important thing about this choice is to feel safe with the person who is managing your company in the legal aspect, since your capacity will depend on the vision you have about the opportunities and risks of your business.
In case you do not want or cannot, due to the cost involved, hire a professional who works as a permanent employee, you can approach a firm that performs this type of service.
Corporate law is a broad field that includes each and every issue related to a company or a company. To be a corporate lawyer, you will first have to obtain a law degree and then pass the exam required in your country to practice law.
RS Chase Lawyers is a law firm that can help you clarify any questions you may have regarding this matter. Do not hesitate to contact us to start taking your corporation to the direction you have visualized. Call us now.