The venue is already booked, the photographer hired and the floral decoration chosen. The dress is ready, after several tests and some tweaks. The menu has already been confirmed and the invitations have been sent. The wedding list is going well and there can be no better destination than the one you have chosen for the honeymoon.
In short, after months of preparation everything is ready for the big day… Or so we believe… Are you sure you don’t forget anything? Among your tastes, those of your future husband and his family, the nerves, the stress caused by the busy schedule and the excitement of the great moment, you may miss some things that will flourish at the last minute.
Remember that for planning your wedding, an excellent option is to use our online wedding planner so you can easily achieve the wedding you have always wanted.
- Bridal bouquet and rings
The big day has arrived. You have slept a little badly because of your nerves and they are already knocking at your door: hairdresser, makeup artist and photographer. They leave you radiant and you start to get into your beautiful wedding dress, you take pictures with your mother and your sisters, even with that friend who has come to calm your nerves in the last moments. Everything is ready to go on the way to the ceremony!
And so it happens. You get out of the car and get ready to enter the church of your father’s arm that can’t hold back the tears. At that moment you start to sweat and shout: “The bouquet”. Yes, there are many brides who forget the wedding bouquet at home and only miss it at the moment they appear in the church before the groom waiting impatiently at the altar. Or much worse, the rings.
Don’t fall for this mistake! If you hire a wedding planner, you don’t have to worry, your team will take care of everything. It will be someone who “helps you put order in all those ideas you have for your wedding.”
- Thanking the guests
One of the things that brides often forget is to thank their friends and family for attending the link and for participating with a gift on their wedding list. A wedding is your big day but do not forget that it is still a commitment for guests and a large outlay of money. It is a very elegant gesture to thank each of them, either in person on or after the wedding day, by email or WhatsApp, according to protocol professionals. You can even choose to send a postcard to each of the homes of your honeymoon guests, it will be a nice gesture!
- The wedding is your thing
Many bride and groom want the time to get married and, when it arrives and the long months of wedding planning begin, they forget that they are the protagonists and those who must take care of all aspects related to the big day.
You entrust certain tasks to your friends or your closest relatives and the “we do it together” becomes your star phrase. It’s good that your mother, sister, mother-in-law and friend help you with the preparations, but don’t delegate the entire wedding organisation to them, don’t forget that the wedding is your thing!
- Emergency kit for the bride
Each bride must be ready for any unexpected event on her wedding day, you must be able to face any emergency, alone or with the help of mother, sisters, friends or witnesses. Do not forget that it is a day of many nerves and very little time to solve unforeseen events, so, for what you can spend leave a relaxing herbal tea to calm anxiety in the last moments, a lip gloss for an always perfect smile, a handkerchief for more than certain tears, strips for possible scratches of new shoes, a nail file, spare stockings and a small sewing kit.
Nothing can surprise you anymore! You have all the remedies to possible problems that may arise during the big day. Now nothing can go wrong.
- A guest kit
Yes, you have already prepared the wedding set but … what about the guests? When you organise your wedding, it is essential that you take your time to take care of your guests. These are small things that will not take you long and that they will appreciate if there is a setback.
For example, prepare for them in the services an emergency kit with wipes, bandages, needle and thread, make-up for retouching, hand cream, stain remover and any little thing that can help them in case of a small incident. Between a toast and another, you know.
- Rehearse your best photographic profile
Don’t forget to try your best face. We all have a profile and a smile ready for the photo moment. When you do your dress, hair and makeup tests, take the opportunity to take some photographs. Ask your photographer and ask for advice on this subject.
A camera will be what you see most on the big day and, although it is true that the photographs should be natural and spontaneous, it will not hurt to rehearse your favourite pose. For this, the most advisable thing is to do a pre-wedding session, you can face together for the first time before the camera and lose your fear.
- Indications for restoration
The sweet tables, catering, food truck and all the surprises with which you will delight your guests at the wedding are exquisite, but beware! Not everyone may like exotic dishes or cupcakes, even some of them may be allergic or intolerant of any element.
Do not forget to write a specific meeting with the catering you have hired to address these issues in your wedding planning agenda. The catering should guide you on the best for your wedding, what to offer according to the type of guests and the taste of them, the season in which the wedding is held and even the place. And offer all this, without neglecting the quality of both dishes and kitchens.
- Donation to the church
Usually, parents are responsible for it, but sometimes the excitement and nerves that everything goes well makes this forgotten. They take care that the bride arrives after the groom, that everything is correct at the ceremony, to receive the guests, etc. And they forget to make a small donation to the church.
Therefore, the best thing for this not to happen is that the donation is made a few days before the wedding celebration or to take care of this task to a friend you know who will not have to be actively involved with the preparations.
Remember that for planning your wedding, an excellent option is to use our online wedding planner so you can easily achieve the wedding you have always wanted.