Who has had to move from home several times, knows the complications and stress that this generates. Imagine if you have to move an entire business. Is that the decision to relocate a company involves a number of variables that need to be analysed for the process to be successful and the least “traumatic” possible for all. With the services of cheap removalists in Adelaide you can easily complete this business removal that is up to your expectations.
We have created a list of things you need to keep in mind when moving your business to another location. With our cheap furniture removals in Adelaide you can rest assured your furniture will be taken to its destination completely safe. Find more information in our website Five Star Removals.
1) How many square meters are needed?
It must be taken into account that each office floor has different performances according to its geometry, number of columns, modulation, facilities and window perimeter, among other variables. In short, each square meter can be much more efficient in one alternative than in another, without sacrificing comfort.
2) Where to move?
It is very easy to make an evaluation matrix incorporating the important criteria of the company when deciding the location. The most usual variables are: the location of the clients, the place where the employees live, the location of the suppliers, the services available to the area, means of transport, etc. As for the building, it is important to consider the number of parking spaces, the security of the area and the image it will bring to the company. Always consider hiring the services of truly experienced cheap removalists in Adelaide.
3) Now or never
The change of office is the ideal time to incorporate changes in the uses and customs in the organisation. Do not miss the opportunity to rethink the way in which the company works and incorporate these new criteria to the conceptualisation of the workspace. Here at Five Star Removals you’ll find excellent quality services from the hand of experts in cheap furniture removals in Adelaide.
4) Who leads the process?
The decision to move a corporate office is defined at the highest hierarchical levels of an organisation, but from the operative point of view it usually falls on a middle management official. Due to the expectation created by the changes in the company’s staff, this process is highly exposed and generates many pressures and conflicts of interest. Be sure to clearly empower the project leader and validate an effective decision-making procedure. We’re happy to offer the most effective services from professional cheap furniture removals in Adelaide.
5) How much does it cost to move a company?
Knowing in advance the amount to invest is fundamental for the companies, since they work with assigned budgets and that value is an essential information when making a decision of moving or remodelling, where important sums are involved. With the services of cheap removalists in Adelaide you can forget about the extra costs that are normal in these processes.
It is proven that an exhaustive strategic planning, from the moment of the search of the new property until the move allows to make an accurate evaluation and avoids the appearance of unexpected expenses.
Do not forget some expenses that are usually left out of the list such as moving costs, connectivity, new stationery, accessories and household items, opening event and communication to customers and suppliers, among others. Keep your costs within your expected expenses plan with our cheap furniture removals in Adelaide.
6) How much time does a corporate move demand?
The logistics of the move has many variables to consider: date of completion of the work, transfers, connectivity, packaging, etc. It follows then that it would be very inconvenient and even unfeasible to be changing the day of the move. It is therefore essential to have the track record in compliance with deadlines that the company has to hire to carry out this process, since the fines in the contracts, no matter how high they are, do not ensure compliance with the deadlines. When planning the schedule, do not forget the times that usually require the signing of contracts both for lease, as the work and professional services. Keep all costs low with our cheap furniture removals in Adelaide.
Make sure that your own administration is able to process the payments committed in a timely manner, as this is a unique event and the organisation of the company is designed to be efficient in its core business and not necessarily to efficiently assist a process that It happens once every several years. With the help of our cheap removalists in Adelaide you can easily achieve your goals.
7) Use of space
Mobility, flexibility, knowledge of workers and respect for the environment are the new forces that will shape the new office. The workplace acquires a new meaning in the era of mobile workers, turning the office into a place of interaction and collaboration much more than individual work – which nowadays can be done at any time and especially, from any place. Choose the services of truly skilled professionals with many years of experience in this field, our cheap removalists in Adelaide are the most accurate choice for you.
Do not assign square meters according to the hierarchies but to your real need. A high command, who supposedly will have an office with more space, will occupy very little those assigned meters, since most of the day is occupied in meetings inside and outside the office or traveling. Increase the number and type of spaces intended for collaborative work and interaction among employees. Multifunctional spaces, comfortable, stimulating and attractive that generate a good work environment, increase productivity, sense of belonging and encourage creativity. Choose the services of cheap removalists in Adelaide and make sure your goals are achieved.
8) Efficient communication
The challenge is to achieve a successful transfer without harming the company’s productivity and internal climate. Schedule an efficient project communication that focuses on the reasons and benefits of the change, the characteristics of the new space and the new zone and anticipates the key moments of the process and involves the natural leaders in the process. Our services by the hand of cheap removalists in Adelaide are an excellent option for you.
In this way, it will manage to minimise anxieties, reduce internal conflicts and generate a positive current that favours the process of change.
Here at Five Star Removals you’ll find a team specialised in cheap furniture removals in Adelaide. Contact us today.