Think of all the daily activities that take place in an SME and you will see how having a team of lawyers will make your life easier because you will have legal advice and protection. Many everyday situations have a great legal burden that is worth consulting with an expert to do things right and avoid future problems.
Here at RS Chase Lawyers we will offer the assistance you require in order to improve your decisions on a daily basis and we will also offer you the protection you need in order to keep developing your business without any external issues. These are the 8 reasons why SME need lawyers help:
- Blind your relations with suppliers and clients
How many times have you closed an agreement by phone or exchanged emails? How many clauses would you have eliminated from a contract but due to ignorance or have you mentioned it? A contract not only avoids many misunderstandings that often occur but anticipates how we will act in case of disagreement. A lawyer will recommend clauses that foresee these situations and that protect us. In addition, you can advise us to include a clause that indicates that, in case of conflict, we will go to one before a trial, since it is a cheaper and quicker resolution.
- Stop the delinquency
The incidence of this problem in SMEs is high – 71% according to data from CEPYME, the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises; but what many entrepreneurs ignore is that they can reduce the impact of delinquency by paying attention to the administrative and legal details of day-to-day life: submitting a budget, requesting its acceptance, documenting the delivery of the product with a delivery note, specifying the deliverables of a project in a service contract … for all this, and to know if your bills meet the necessary legal requirements, or to clarify responsibilities in terms of delivery or quality, nothing better than picking up the phone and being able to consult it with a lawyer quickly and agile. They will indicate the appropriate preventive measures to adopt to avoid default and, if it happens, you will have the best negotiating weapons so that the claim is quick and allows you to recover the amount that corresponds to you.
- Avoid problems with the use of your customers’ data
Do you know that an action as usual as sending an email to a client with new offers can result in a fine if you do not have your consent? Fines can be horrible. The solution? Have an expert who you can ask any questions that arise, in day to day, with the management of personal data of customers and workers.
- When you plan to hire a worker
The latest labour reform has broken the rigidity of the market, allowing the employer many varieties of employment, functional mobility of workers, the possibility of changing the working day, hours, salary, flexibility in layoffs, etc. It is advisable to have good professional advice to help you monitor the structure costs and take advantage of the flexibility of the new law, advising you on which contracts benefit you the most, what rights and duties you have against your workers.
- Compete in an online environment
The unstoppable rise of new technologies has forced companies to put the batteries when dealing with issues such as electronic commerce, personal data protection, electronic signature, sweepstakes and promotions or comply with the cookie policy, … although the legal aspects that entail are not always clear.
On the Internet, not everything is valid and it must be borne in mind that an infraction committed in the online environment can obtain much greater magnitudes due to the simple fact of its immediacy and the number of affected people that may become involved. It is necessary to have the support of lawyers specialised in new technologies and online security to ensure that our website complies with all regulations.
- When family meals look like business meetings
If running a company is already a complicated task, also reconcile the interests of the family in its midst, it is much more. According to data from the Family Business Institute, 85% of companies are family members so the reconciliation between family and business interests is the bread and butter of each day. The generational change, conflicts of interest, emotional involvement in the business world, informality or too many family members participating in the management … are problems that hinder the management of the business, impact on the results and even the continuity of the company. It is not always easy for the family to face the resolution of these issues alone, often the best option is to gather the parties and through the intervention of a mediator with independent criteria and free of affective bonding, trying to find the best solution for everyone. company and to preserve interpersonal relationships.
- Protect personal assets
The Capital Companies Law may lead the administrator or members of the board of directors of a Limited or Limited Liability Company to respond with their personal assets due to the mismanagement of their company or even the inability to return to be an administrator. Some are unaware of the scope of this rule that regulates in greater detail the duties of management and loyalty of administrators and determines for example that any breach of the duty of loyalty not only set the obligation to compensate the damage caused to the social patrimony, but also must return to society the unjust enrichment obtained. If you have a lawyer among your team, they will be more aware of the risk to which the administrators are exposed and will help them assess the main changes that the legislator has made in this law to improve good governance in all capital companies.
- If you are a franchisee
The model of business expansion through franchising has grown in the last 5 years by 24.2%. For all those who have opened a franchise, it is important not only to understand the contract that binds them to the franchisor but also to know what their rights and obligations are against it. The discrepancies that arise between franchisees and franchisors are usually motivated by multiple causes but above all by obligations established in the contract such as lack of publicity of the network or technical or commercial assistance, infringement of the franchisee’s exclusive area, etc. Relatively frequent situations of conflict between the franchise and the franchisee occur and in any case, it is advisable to be prepared and well advised by a specialised lawyer who has clear from the beginning the rights and obligations of each of the parties.
Here at RS Chase you will receive legal assistance to ensure you are making the right decision regarding your assets and how to protect them from potential future litigations.