Prefabricated houses offer the same benefits as traditional houses and, although they differ from these in the construction system, in the end we will obtain an equally suitable building to form a home with our families.
In addition to dozens of possibilities to have an exterior façade attractive, the interior of prefabricated houses also conforms an important part of its value as a cosy place to live.
We refer to its decoration and the balance that it should have to turn a prefabricated house into a comfortable home and nice to look at.
In other words, the decoration of prefabricated houses does not differ in a lot to those of a conventional house, so the recommendations following fit well in both alternatives.
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- Neutral colours
We can apply paint to prefabricated concrete houses or wood enamel made with this last type of material.
The safest colours to choose from are neutral, although it will depend on the size of the house: if it is small, the best are the light tones, especially white, reserving the sofa wall of the lounge or headboard of the beds to give a special touch with a different colour, to taste.
The neutral colours are: black, white and all shades of grey, in addition to beige extended to brown. We can use them as a base and add colour with accessories and furniture.
So, if we are not experts in decoration, neutral colours they can be a good option to get a positive result.
It is appropriate to indicate that the colour palette of enamels for wood available in the market is growing, so no we have to limit ourselves to the lifelong wood tones (oak, pine, walnut, etc.)
- Use crystals
Large glazing in certain areas of the house, for example in the living room, integrate the exterior to the house, which creates a sensation of greater space, besides that with this we can take advantage of the natural light to the maximum and thus save energy. Moreover, a view glazed allows us to enjoy a beautiful garden, if we have.
It is a good idea for prefabricated houses especially small, such as mini houses, because it additionally relieves the feeling overwhelmed in tight spaces.
If in addition to decoration, you want to know types and companies related, we recommend that you follow this link to know more about prefabricated houses.
- Landscaped areas
Both prefabricated houses and traditional houses of blocks are more beautiful if they are surrounded by well-kept gardens.
We can check it by seeing the beautiful photos of houses of the magazines, all are lined with green and that is part of their charm.
Plant grass, shade trees (if we have the space), flowers and other ornamental plants should be part of the budget of our homes from the beginning, since a garden brings beauty and revalue the property.
- Fair furniture
Let’s not think that decorating our house is filling it with furniture. On the contrary, it is a good idea to choose the furniture thoroughly, placing only the ones we need and of a proportionate size with the available space. If the house is small, buy furniture small and if large, enlarge the size but always without putting so many to trip over them or have to dodge them.
Also keep in mind that everything should form a set harmonious (furniture, colour of the walls, carpets and lamps). If our prefabricated house is small, take advantage of some multifunctional furniture that is also useful as spaces to store or that you can fold. This maybe you should do to measure, commissioning them to a carpenter.
In this sense, the sliding doors are also a good option to save space besides they are trending.
The proportionality and moderation in the furniture must be met in all rooms of the house and not only in the living room.
- Blinds and curtains
Extensible awnings allow us to block the sun’s rays intense during the hottest hours of the day in summer, at the same time that we can fold them during the cooler hours.
Like blinds, they serve to regulate the light we want or reduce heat, with the advantage that they are removable resources, not they require almost work and we can handle them as it suits us in summer and winter.
The curtains, besides being an important element of the decoration, they can also block the sun or let it pass according to suits us; there are even aluminized curtains, more effective.
- Combine textures and materials
In the case of prefabricated wooden houses, if we have chosen for an interior with wood finish, it is recommended to combine it with other material. The stone, for example, usually goes very good with wood. Even a few walls with siding plaster, serve to break the monotony of wood and to integrate some colour to the atmosphere of the house.
- Enough storage spaces
It is imperative that we have space to store our things throughout the house since this will help us to keep it tidy and that the effort, we have made to decorate it look as soon as we enter.
Remember that changing your blinds to these new tiles is an excellent option to improve decoration and comfort in your house or apartment. With our tiles from External Venetian Blinds you can forget about mites and accumulated dust that usually attracts them. Contact us today for more information.