These are 7 fruit slushies you can prepare easily if you hire a slushie machine

    In these hot days that we have, we just want to drink cool liquids, and for that, today we have made a compilation of the most special with the 7 best slushies made with fruits for the little ones in the house. Make a tasteful slushie machine mix with our excellent equipment at […]
slushie machine



In these hot days that we have, we just want to drink cool liquids, and for that, today we have made a compilation of the most special with the 7 best slushies made with fruits for the little ones in the house. Make a tasteful slushie machine mix with our excellent equipment at Snow Flow.

  1. Lemon slushy

This one is the summer king par excellence and super simple to prepare. Refreshes our hottest days and is delicious. To prepare it for 4 people only need 1/2 litre of water, 4 ice cubes, 4 lemons and 300 gr of sugar. You can save a lot of time using our slush machine for hire.

The first thing we will do is peel the lemons and put them in the glass of the blender next to water, sugar and ice, we can also add some crust, which gives a very special flavour. We crush everything until we see that it has the consistency of granita. If you see it necessary, add some more. And we can keep a little lemon peel to decorate after we have finished using the slushi machine for hire you will find here at Snow Flow.

  1. Melon slushy

In these hot days there is nothing more appealing than a sorbet or melon granita like this one. Refreshing and with many vitamins. And you can easily prepare one in a couple of minutes with our slushy maker machine.

For 4 people you will need approximately one and a half kilo of melon, 150 grams of sugar, the juice of a lemon, ice to taste. For the making process, you can use our slushie machine for hire and complete it easily, you can also do it manually but it’s more work.

Cut the melon in half and remove the seeds. We put the pulp next to the lemon juice, the sugar and the ice in the glass of the blender. We crush everything until we have a granita-like mixture and decorate with mint leaves. If you hire a slush machine from Snow Flow you can complete this procedure very quickly.

  1. Kiwi slushy

The kiwi, is one of the most antioxidant fruits and perfect for the children of the house. So, to prepare it when you hire a slush machine from us today.

For 4 people we will need 500 gr of ice, 6 ripe kiwis, 25 gr of sugar and a bit of fresh mint.

In the glass of the blender we put the ice, the peeled kiwis, the sugar and the fresh mint. We crush everything until we have the mixture we want. You can crush it using a slushy for hire from our second to none slushie machines for hire.

  1. Pineapple slushy

Delicious and super sweet, so is this slush that comes with a very special touch. A slushy you can easily prepare with any of our slushies machine. For 4 people we will need a pineapple, a sugary Greek yogurt, a bag of crushed ice, a few drops of vanilla extract, the juice of a lime, and some mint leaves. You can prepare delicious and refreshing slushies with our cheap slush machine for hire.

We will start by peeling the pineapple and grind it in the blender together with the yogurt, the ice, the lime juice and the vanilla extract.

  1. Mango slushy

Refreshing and tropical, this is how slushies can turn into the delicious drink they are. Using our cheap slush machine for hire to prepare a delicious slushy mix is a very good idea.

For 4 people we will need 2 large and mature mangoes, a little lemon juice, 50 grams of sugar, ice to taste 250 ml of water. Complete the preparation using our slush machine for hire. Peel the mangoes and put them in pieces in the glass of the blender next to the lemon juice, sugar, water and ice. We crush everything and serve it in glasses.

If you have an upcoming event and have no idea of the type of equipment you will need for your guests to feel good and enjoy the time they spend in your place, hire a lush machine from us and keep in mind it is only one of many different pieces of equipment we can offer you here at Snow Flow.

  1. Watermelon slushy

It is one of the star fruits of summer, we can take it alone, mid-morning or mid-afternoon, for snacks or cut into cubes, cool and always feel great. You can use our commercial slushie machine to prepare your watermelon slushy.

For 4 people we will need 1 kilo of watermelon, 50 grams of sugar, 250 grams of ice. We chop the watermelon and remove the seeds. We put it in the glass of the blender next to sugar and ice, you can also use one of our slush machines for hire. We crush everything until we have the consistency of granita and we take it in a glass with a mint leaf. Keep in mind that you can complete this easily when you hire a slushy machine form Snow Flow.

  1. Peach slushy

Refreshing and with a sweet touch. Prepare a peach slushy with our slush machine for hire in Sunshine Coat.  It is a good option for 4 people we need 8 peaches, 2 sweetened natural yogurts, 300 gr of crushed ice.

It is as easy as peeling the peaches and splitting them by placing them in the blender jar or in our slush machine for sale in Perth, and next you can add yogurt and ice. We crush everything until we get the consistency of a slushy. If you want to use an alcoholic slushie machine to make cocktails, a slushie for hire from us the most appropriate option for people who need a slushie machine for hire in Melbourne.

Here at Snow Flow you will find the slushie machines for sale you are looking for, but you can also find a commercial slushy machine for rental to make your slushie mix and make sure your guests enjoy it. We also provide slushie syrup and everything you need for slush machines for rent.