Preparing an interview in advance is essential if you want to overcome it successfully. We tell you what to do to not let recruiters discover your weaknesses. Bear in mind the following aspects:
- Admitting that you are working to improve your failures can be a positive thing for you
- Going to an interview without having prepared it beforehand is an unnecessary risk.
- Your body language can say a lot about you, learn to control it.
- Avoid being part of the discard list of the recruiter.
The job search is a hard and sometimes exhausting process, so it is normal that at the moment you get a job interview the nerves will play some tricks on you. However, it is not the time to be distracted. Preparing this meeting in advance is essential to maximise your chances of getting a job. Rejection can always occur, but if you prepare yourself thoroughly there may be fewer options for that to happen.
Why do we insist that you should prepare a future interview well? Because it is the moment you were waiting for, your moment to give the best of you. You must show your professionalism, your enthusiasm and how can you benefit for that company. You cannot say the first thing that comes to mind, you have to be aware of what you are saying and how you are saying it.
Does this mean that you have to shut up any failure or weakness? Absolutely, admitting limitations and failures is something that will help you gain credibility and is also very valuable for companies. But, you have to know which ones you can admit in front of your interviewer. For example, if they ask you about them, avoid mentioning those that you think may be related to the job you choose or the responsibilities you can acquire. Right now, recruiters and employers know they have to help employees get over their weaknesses and turn them into strengths.
Remember that here at Sydney Resumes we help you write and optimise your professional resume in order to make your way to the labour market easier and more accessible.
How can exposing some weaknesses help you achieve the position you need
It is not necessary to make or use of hackneyed formulas or phrases already too repeated. There are ways to admit these small flaws so that it is not only clear that you are aware of them, but also that you are facing them and correcting them.
This is a list of the 5 most common weaknesses and can play against you if they are exposed. But it also offers you an effective way to get out of this situation.
- “I used to be somewhat disorganized, but now, thanks to this strategy my planning skills have really improved”
Being organised is one of the qualities most valued by any company but recruiters know that not everyone can be one. Surely you are working on improving this aspect of your personality, so this answer is the best you can offer your interviewer. Of course, do not forget to explain what method of organization you refer, it will be very interesting for your interviewer to know how you strive to improve.
- “I used to deliver my reports in the deadline, but now I have started to advance my work”
Being able to stick to a delivery schedule is fundamental. For this reason, the best thing you can do is give an answer like this. This will make it clear that you can deliver it on time but that you are also working to be more proactive and efficient. You get involved in the company and that is always very valuable.
- “I used to work on only one project at a time, but now I can attend to multiple tasks and get better results”
Currently there are many jobs in which it is required to carry out different tasks at the same time. Multifaceted employees are a rising value. So, if you want to convey to your interviewer that you are working to become someone more efficient to take on several responsibilities at the same time, this is the best answer you can offer. Talk about how you are learning to deal with it and how you are striving to be increasingly competent.
- “I used to invest too much time in projects, but I have learned to trust my decisions and be more efficient”
Such an answer can make it clear how much you get involved in the projects and the objective of the company. You are a perfectionist and this is the best way to prove it. If you can also tell a specific example where doing so has been a success you will help your interviewer become more convinced that you are the right person.
- “The new projects excited me and without realising it I overloaded. Now I have learned to recognize my limits “
If they ask you about your ability to take on challenges, maybe this is the answer you were looking for. It is always very valuable to have employees who are willing to enter into new projects. Remember to mention an example that demonstrates it and also talks about how you have learned to prioritize and to say no.
If you did not believe that preparation for an interview was fundamental, surely you do now. Remember that you do not just have to keep in mind what questions they can ask you or how you should answer them. Body language can also be your worst enemy so work on it too. Make sure your next job interview is a success.
At Sydney Resumes we will help you achieve your professionals goals starting. Contact us today so we can help you write the right curriculum vitae for the position you need and complement your interview skills with our tips to make sure your interviewer knows you are the right fit for the job.