Normally, when we think of an animal as a pet, always our mind goes to the dog, cat or bird. But what about fish as domestic animals? Fish seems to be the preferred pets of children. Today we have some of the benefits.s
Although with the fish we cannot interact as we would with dogs or cats. Also, we could entertain ourselves for hours, if we have fish as pets. Discover the benefits and you will surely want to have at least one.
Remember that you if you are looking for a good online shop where you can buy anything you need for your aquarium from the comfort of your house, here at Guppy’s Aquarium Products you will find them.
The benefits of fish as domestic animals
- Absence of noise. If we have an aquarium where the fish can swim at ease, they will not make any noise, since they are very silent animals. Maybe, if we have a fine ear, we can feel the bubbles they make when they breathe. Unlike the other home animals, the fish are quite silent. The only thing that can make noise, is the tank and the bubbles that are felt, but with subtlety. This way, if we have a baby at home or simply enjoy silence, the fish can be excellent companions.
- Absolute cleaning. Without including the aquarium, we will have to clean it and renew the water every so often. The fish do not stain any space in your home, nor leave bad smells. Goodbye to the stains on the carpet, as they live in their world – the fish tank – it is unnecessary to worry about cleaning their debris on the carpet, or in the rest of the house. You will never find a bad smell in the corners and less in your flowerpots. You just have to worry about keeping the tank clean and renewing the water.
- These aquatic animals do not require much attention from people. They usually interact with each other, and their attitude is totally independent since they go to their ball and they just look for a way to entertain themselves. In addition, you can leave home without worrying too much about your pet, as only eating once a day are happy.
- Low cost. It is true that the initial investment is high, because you have to buy aquarium, lighting, decoration, fish, food, etc. But once the aquarium is mounted the cost is very low, you will only have to buy the food and change the water. Dogs and cats need to walk and roam everywhere. In short, they prefer the light of day and go out to sunbathe. However, in apartments and small houses, it is not possible to keep them happy, but it is possible to keep them happy. They will only occupy the space of the tank and that’s it. Fish are the pets for those that respect minimalist designs and decoration.
- They provide tranquillity. They are beneficial for the elderly, since it causes them an effect of tranquillity and relaxation. According to a scientific study, aquariums with fish have positive effects on people with Alzheimer’s, avoiding aggressive attitudes. Like the other home animals, the fish are quite silent. The only thing that can make noise, is the tank and the bubbles that are felt, but with subtlety. This way, if we have a baby at home or simply enjoy silence, the fish can be excellent companions. It is common that in shelters for older adults, there is always a fish tank. This is because the elderly, when looking at the fish, feel tranquillity and peace.
- It reduces the level of blood pressure. This effect is proven by a study, and it is because the relaxed and slow movements of the fish along with the movement of the aquatic plants cause the reduction of stress.
- They help you reduce anxiety. This is due to the close relationship that fish have with the aquatic environment and nature. It is used to prevent insomnia in many psychological therapies.
- It is not dangerous for children. Having fish as pets is totally compatible with having small children. Because it is not a danger to them, and they also feel the responsibility of having to take care of someone.
- They do not require a large aquarium. The fish will have enough with a space in which they can swim comfortably. They do not need any training; dogs, generally, require a large space to run or walk. It is positive for your health that your masters take you out for a walk once in a while. However, many times the owners do not have much time. In this case, the fish are the most indicated, since they do not need to be taken out of the fish tank, they just look for a way to entertain themselves, so if you do not have time and live a very hard life, the fish will be your best ally .
- No longer the “but who do we leave it with while we go out?”: if you have a fish as a pet, then you can leave your house, without worrying too much about your beloved pet. The fish, they only need the maintenance of water and food. With this they are happy, they do not ask for more. So say goodbye to worries and do not worry, that the fish know how to take care of themselves.
As you can see, having fish in the house, can be an excellent idea: maintenance at low cost, require little space and you will only have to be responsible for giving them food.
For more information about having fish as pets in your house, the benefits they provide and how you can lower maintenance costs of this wonderful pets in your house or building you can visit our website: Guppy’s Aquarium Products. Contact us!