A recent study from Tufts University, United States, revealed that eating few fruits and vegetables is linked every year to millions of deaths.
A recent study by Tufts University (United States) revealed that eating few fruits and vegetables is linked every year to millions of deaths from heart disease and strokes. After analysing the average national consumption of these foods in 82 percent of the world’s population, the researchers discovered that one in seven cardiovascular deaths are attributed to inadequate fruit intake, and one in twelve deaths could be due to insufficient consumption of vegetables.
The research presented during the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, in Baltimore (Maryland) this week, suggests that the optimal daily amount of fruits should be 300 grams per day, that is, approximately two small apples. While the right portion of vegetables, including legumes, should be 400 grams daily, approximately three raw carrots.
If you or any of your relatives are having any gastronomic issues, here at Parkwood Green Medical we’ll be happy to assist you.
Watch out for the long working hours
Employees who juggle to meet schedules of more than ten hours of work are 29 percent more likely to suffer a stroke than those who work only what is necessary. And the risk increases to 45 in those who have made it a habit for almost a decade. To discover how the workday influences the risk of strokes, researchers at the University of Versailles in France analysed the routine of 143,000 workers. After seven years of following them, they found that 1,224 had suffered a stroke, and all had extensive hours of work. Something that puzzled scientists was that those under 50 were at greater risk than their older colleagues. This could be related to the bad sleeping habits and irregular schedules that new adults usually have in modernity.
Fruits, their properties and their importance in daily nutrition
Fruits are, perhaps, the most striking foods because of their diversity of colours and shapes. But in addition to what they show with the naked eye, they are part of the foods with the highest amount of nutrients and natural substances highly beneficial for health.
If we stop to think, we will see that fruits and all vegetables survive the weather, facing all kinds of weather conditions and aggressions.
All this is possible thanks to the natural protective and antioxidant substances they possess. In short, those same substances are what protect us when we consume the food.
In other words, we benefit absolutely from all those vitamins and nutrients that the fruit has. We fill our whole organism with life.
What benefits does it bring us to consume fruits?
- A daily ration of 3 to 4 fruits, naturally provide the daily requirements of vitamin C
- They provide a variety and quantity of vitamins and minerals; mainly vitamin C
- They hydrate the organism quickly.
- They help the proper functioning of the digestive system.
- It facilitates the drainage of liquids, being diuretics and purifiers of the organism.
- Provide soluble vegetable fibres
- They do not provide fats (except nuts, olives, avocados and coconuts that provide beneficial oils for the body).
- They provide natural antioxidant vitamins.
The vitamin that is most abundant in fruits is C, and what is important about this vitamin is that our body does not synthesize it, so food must provide it.
The amount of vitamin C in the fruit is very varied, being the kiwis, strawberries, raspberries and citrus fruits who enjoy the highest content.
Vitamin C has a high antioxidant power, which makes it protective of the tissues and cells of our body. Vitamin C must be replenished daily through food, since it does not accumulate in the body, and its excess is eliminated in the urine.
It is also very easily destroyed, by high temperatures, cooking, air and light. That is why it is best to consume raw fruits in order to ensure maximum vitamin intake.
The main components of the fruit are:
- Water: It is the main component of the fruit. Approximately for every 100 grams of fruit, we consume 80 to 90 grams of water. Therefore, eating fruit, from a hydration point of view, is almost like drinking water. However, in the case of certain diets, their sugar content must be taken into account.
- Carbohydrates: fructose is the sugar in the fruit. Since fructose is a monosaccharide, the body absorbs and assimilates it quickly. That is why we say that fruits are a source of instant energy. Hydrates are also present glucose and sucrose.
- Vegetal fibre: Every 100 grams of fruit means consuming about 2 grams of fibre. Pectin, a type of fibre that is highly beneficial for the body, is found mostly in fruits.
- Mineral salts: the consumption of fruits on a daily basis helps regulate the mineral balance in the body. They contain a high level of potassium and low amount of sodium. They also provide magnesium and some calcium.
- Organic acids and aromas: those acids are normally tolerated by our body, except in special situations where we must resort to those fruits with low organic acid content.
- Vitamins: fruits provide us with large amounts of vitamins, since they are especially rich in beta-carotenes, powerful antioxidants that protect our mucous membranes and skin.
Caloric intake
watermelon, carbohydrates vitamins, minerals and water There is a popular belief that says you should discard the caloric intake of fruits. This is a partial truth.
Its caloric intake comes from easily absorbed sugars or carbohydrates, and between one fruit and another there is a notable caloric difference.
To consume them in excess supposes an increase of calories, which, by the way in which our organism synthesizes them, can be transformed into lipid reserve in our organism.
In turn and given the different caloric intake that some fruits of others have, such as an avocado compared to a tangerine, this factor should be considered when including them in a ration of controlled calories.
In any case, they are considered a wild card in every diet, especially for its contribution of nutrients (vitamins, minerals and others). It is best to consume them as a snack or snack, either in the middle of the morning and in the afternoon, without abusing daily consumption. The recommended daily ration is 3 to 4 pieces daily and this will allow to cover the daily requirements of vitamins and minerals.
Here at Parkwood Green Medical we’ll help you if you face any health issues.